Health News

Prenatal Yoga for Prenatal Depression
While most people have heard of postpartum depression, prenatal depression can also affect about one in five women. Yoga might be one method to deal with these emotions.
Pregnancy and Mental Wellness
While postpartum depression is a topic discussed with some regularity in the public sphere, mental health during pregnancy is an issue not often discussed. Though joyous and exciting, pregnancy can also be a stressful and difficult time for moms-to-be, and their mental health should be monitored along with their physical well being as they prepare for motherhood. From what’s normal to feel, to treatment for mental health issues, to how depression can manifest itself during delivery, there are a lot of elements to consider when exploring the interplay of pregnancy and mental health...
An Uphill Battle with a Baby on the Way
As if low-income, HIV-positive, pregnant women don't have enough on their plates, many also have to contend with depression - though it's possible not enough doctors are noticing.
Antidepressant Safety During Pregnancy
Much is still uncertain about what drugs are safe while pregnant, so deciding what to take or avoid may require a tradeoff. Such may be the case for a common group of antidepressants.
More than the Baby Blues
Only a small percentage of women who take their own lives are pregnant or have recently become mothers, but one in five to ten pregnant and postpartum women have depressive disorders.
Causes of Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a serious illness that is distressing for many new mothers. The causes were previously unclear, but a new study has unmasked some contributing factors to depression.