Health News

Weight Loss Tips for People with Diabetes
Losing weight can be a challenge for anybody, but it can be especially difficult for people with diabetes, who have to manage medication and blood sugar on top of everything else.
Hard Facts About Soft Drinks
Soft drinks are extremely popular beverages among both children and adults in the US. They are far from healthy, however.
How Obesity Affects Health
Besides tobacco use, obesity is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.
Healthy Bodies Kept Minds Healthy
As many Americans age, we’ve been told to expect a huge swelling in the rates of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. A new review of recent studies shows some improvement being made on this front.
Higher Blood Sugar and the Brain
Blood sugar control is essential to the well-being of people with diabetes, which is linked to a number of complications, including memory loss. But one needn't have diabetes to feel the effects of out of whack blood sugar levels.
It's More Than Beauty Sleep
How much people sleep can have an impact on their health. However, the relationship between sleep duration and chronic diseases has not been well studied. A recent study was conducted to examine sleep duration in relationship to various illnesses.
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.
Another Reason Not to Light Up, Mom
It's well understood that women should not smoke while pregnant. Yet some women find it difficult to quit. Knowing some of the long-term effects may offer an extra motivational boost.
The Depression Isn't All in Your Head
Depression is thought of as a mental disorder, but it can affect the rest of the body too. Having symptoms of depression may be linked to risks for other diseases.
Next Gen Troubles from Smoking Moms
Smoking is a known health hazard for pregnancies. But being exposed to smoke in utero may follow a baby girl into her own pregnancy when she grows up.