Health News
Raising Questions about Tamiflu
It's important to have as much information as possible to properly weigh the risks and benefits of medication. Sometimes it's difficult to get all that data, as has been the case with Tamiflu.
Flu Vaccine Helps Protect Kids From Major Illness
For most kids, the flu means missed days from school and bad symptoms, but for others it can spell hospital time. According to a new study, there may be a way to keep many of these kids out of the hospital.
Flu Virus May Often Show No Symptoms
When a friend or coworker is sick with the flu, people tend to take precautions to avoid getting sick themselves. But it may not always be obvious that someone is carrying the flu virus.
Workplaces with Higher Flu Risk
Most of the press around the start of flu season focuses on high-risk groups, such as children, the elderly, pregnant women and those working in healthcare. But others are at risk too.
Helping the Youngest Kids Avoid the Flu
The flu vaccine is not perfect, but it has been shown to reduce a person's risk of getting the flu. For children in particular, this can mean avoiding the hospital.
It’s Not Too Late for Flu Vaccination
This year’s flu vaccine provides protection against the most common strain of flu this year, H1N1. The flu is still infecting people, and it’s not too late to get vaccinated.
Flu While Pregnant Might Affect Baby's Mental Health
Previous research established a link between prenatal exposure to infection and later schizophrenia. New research aimed to see if this same link was present for bipolar disorder.
Flu Shot Might Prevent Stroke
Doctors recommend annual flu shots to help patients stay healthy during flu season. New research suggests that the flu vaccine also might help prevent stroke.
A Tough Flu Season for the Young
Many young to middle-aged adults might brush off flu season as no big concern for them. But this season, the flu has hit the young hard.

Common Myths About Overactive Bladder
Bladder issues can be tough to discuss and there is a great deal of confusion regarding OAB and other forms of incontinence. Here are several common myths about OAB.