Health News
When Kids Snack Healthy They are Happy
Kids can be picky eaters, which can make it hard to choose healthy snack options. But keeping kids healthy and happy can be done together.
When the "Ugly Duckling" is Overweight
Most are familiar with pop culture's stereotypes when it comes to bullying. "The fat kid" always gets made fun of by other kids. But bullying is no laughing matter. A recent study found that the majority of teenagers getting treatment for their weight had been bullied.
Growing Up – and Growing Obese – with TV
More than 70 percent of children and teenagers have TVs in their bedrooms. But just having a TV in their rooms puts them at higher risk for becoming fat.
Teens Under the Knife Lose Weight
Just as adults with severe obesity go under the knife for help, more teenagers are now following suit.
Metformin May Halt Childhood Diabetes
The growing obesity problem is not limited to adults. Children are a part of it too. As rates of childhood obesity grow, researchers are looking for ways to prevent childhood diabetes. A long-used drug may be one answer.
Binge Eating Lowers Work Productivity
A company is only as good as its workforce. Getting the most out of workers could be optimized with binge eating interventions and obesity health initiatives.
Loss of Control: Food, Drugs & Depression
Binge eating may be a predictor of marijuana and other drug use and depression. The good news is binge eating can be successfully treated.
Two Sides to Every Coin
One study found evidence to support the use of diuretics in treating high blood pressure in obese patients. But this doesn’t mean that methodology works across the board.
The App for Losing Fat Works
Tap Tap Tap! Salad, 380 calories. Tap Tap! Spin class, one hour. Are you one of the many who use a cell phone app to track calories and exercise? It may really be helping you lose more weight.
More Salt, More Fluids, More Soft Drinks
Much attention has focused on the link between obesity and sugary drinks. But there are other clues in children's diets about how many sugary drinks they'll have - like how much salt they eat.