Health News

Less Flashing When Fleshier
Very few things are reported to improve with increased weight and advancing age, but hot flashes may be one of them.
My BMI is Bigger Than Yours
Obesity rates have skyrocketed and according to new research this isn't even the worst of it. If people continue to neglect or avoid the problem many more people will suffer.
Abs of Steel From Running Fat Down
Trying to get a 'six pack' but just can’t make it happen? You might be doing the wrong kind of exercises. Aerobic exercise might be better for burning belly fat than resistance training.
Body Fat in Obese May Be Toxic
Some obese patients develop conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, while others manage to avoid such chronic diseases. That may be because all obesity is not the same.
The Low Down on Down Low Testosterone
By the age of 35, men's testosterone levels begin to drop by one or two percent each year. By the age of 50, 30% of men are already below the normal testosterone range and that number increases as years advance.
Weight Shocks Singles
Marriage and divorce are big changes that affect men and women differently. Learning to unite or separate affects many lifestyle changes. Some may even add on a few pounds.
Heavy Living Leads to Shorter Lives
It seems like kids these days just live and eat whatever while disregarding health consequences. They don't realize the extra weight now can have a huge impact later like an earlier death.
Scale of Life
Obesity has become a huge problem for many. There’s been tons of research on risks associated with obesity, but never a way to measure each individual’s risk of death - until now.
College Leads to Bigger Waist Lines
The change from high school to college can be exciting but stressful. The stress can be too much for some women and even men. This along with other factors can lead to an eating disorder.
Obesity Linked to Heart Arrhythmia
With obesity comes the added risk of health problems. One potential risk may be electrical heart abnormalities that can lead to heart arrhythmia.