Health News
Going Nuts for Weight Loss
It is already known that pistachios are very low in fat. Now, new research shows that these nuts are even healthier than previously thought. In fact, pistachios are not only good for watching your weight, but also good for your heart.
Drug Combo Cuts Pounds
While some drugs work well on their own, patients sometimes see better results from taking multiple drugs.
Researchers have found that a combination of two already approved pharmaciutical medications helps obese people shed pounds.
Disease Fighting Tangerines
Tangerines are not just deliciously sweet fruits, they are also good for you. New research shows that tangerines can help protect against obesity and other health problems.
Bariatric Surgery Risk Calculator
Obesity is a national health problem that causes significant illness and disability. A new method for determining the risk for complications from bariatric surgery may steer more physicians and patients towards considering it as an option.
Not All Fats Are Created Equal
Some fats are good for you.
A new study shows that certain types of fish-fat can protect people against obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Sleeping Beauty's BMI
Everyone has heard a southern belle exclaim, “I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP”.
Well, apparently, she wasn’t just whistlin’ Dixie.
The Candy Man
Chocolate and candy lovers rejoice! New research suggests that moderate intake of sweets is linked to some favorable health measures. You tend to weigh less, have lower body mass indices (BMI), have smaller waist sizes and lower levels of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic syndrome than those who don’t indulge.
Less Stress, Less Weight
Losing weight can be very difficult, but researchers have found something that may help you shed those pounds: less stress plus enough sleep equals lower wieght.
Tying Your Tummy
While most patients are satisfied after gastric banding surgery, experts say that the long-term results of the Lap-Band® weight loss surgery are not as strong as they should be.
Obesity Causes Post-Menopausal Women Problems
Obesity contributes to so many health problems that it seems impossible to list all of them. Results from a recent study now add to that list of diseases that are caused, at least partially, by obesity.