Health News

Should New Moms Take Anti-depressants?
Deciding whether to take medication while pregnant can be a tough decision. It becomes tougher when the risks and benefits are not always clear, such as with mental health medications.
What Difference Does Vitamin D Make?
Women might think that not having enough of certain vitamins during pregnancy can hurt their developing child. That may be true sometimes, but not always.
One Less Worry for Preterm Babies
Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered preterm babies. Being born early can put babies at a higher risk for a variety of medical conditions.
Better on Time than Extremely Early
Advances in prenatal medicine have meant doctors can save babies more often when they are born extremely early, such as halfway through a pregnancy. But medicine can only do so much.
Little Babies May Mean Little Siblings
A small percentage of babies are born very small for their age in pregnancy weeks. It may help doctors prepare for a birth if they know a woman is likely to have a very small baby.
The Little Kids Eventually Catch Up
Some babies don't grow as quickly as they should. This is called "failure to thrive." The important question is whether these babies ever catch up to other kids.
A Little Chill Can Be Better for Babies
Couples unable to conceive a child naturally may turn to fertility options. Within fertility treatments, however, couples have a variety of choices to make. Do any make a difference?
A Medication Risk Factor for Autism
There is no known single cause for autism. However, certain diseases or medications during pregnancy have been linked to autism. One culprit may be a medication used to treat epilepsy.
Works for One, But Not for Twins
Women with a short cervix and women carrying twins are at higher risk for preterm birth. Women with both have an even higher likelihood of giving birth early.
Sunlight Benefits for the Womb
Being born underweight is linked to a variety of possible health problems, including chronic diseases. It's therefore helpful to know ways to reduce the risk of having too-small babies.