Health News

How to Manage Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes can have serious consequences for mother and baby. Fortunately, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment can reduce those consequences.
Circumcision Complications Rate Clarified
Male circumcision is currently regarded as a procedure that parents can choose for their sons but which is not routinely recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Potential Dangers When You're "Driving for Two"
A woman experiences a variety of changes to her body while she's pregnant. While these are normal changes, they might influence her alertness or the way she's feeling occasionally.
More Babies Born to Older Moms
With the changes in medical treatment and technology and shifts in the female workforce, more and more women are having children at older ages.
Surprising Facts About Modern Mothers
Starting in 1914, every second Sunday of May has been dedicated to the celebration of motherhood, yet the profile of a typical mother has changed dramatically since the holiday’s inception.
Cognitive Troubles in Women Who Had Premature Menopause
Many women who have already had children may be pleased when they stop menstruating for good. But for women who stop a decade before 50, such premature menopause may lead to problems later on.
Planning a Prenatal Diet
Expectant mothers have to consider certain everyday decisions of their life in a new way — including the food choices they make. So what should these women keep in mind now that they are "eating for two?"
DHA During Pregnancy Didn't Boost Kids' Brain Power
Pregnant women are often encouraged to take an omega-3 fatty acid supplement called DHA in addition to prenatal vitamins. But does taking the extra supplement make a difference to the developing baby?
A Vaccine for Two During Pregnancy
Vaccines are designed to protect against disease, but babies cannot get most vaccines until they're two months old, leaving them vulnerable. A vaccine during pregnancy may help.
Many Parents Not Following Safe Sleep Practices for Babies
One of the most frightening concerns of parents with new babies is sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. But safe sleeping practices can reduce the risk of SIDS.