Health News

Sweets Could Heighten Teen Heart Risk
Parents have long warned teens to skip sugary sweets such as soda and candy to prevent them from loading up on empty calories. New research has revealed that excess sugar consumption could affect their future health.
Polycystic Ovary Creates Problems
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to have complications with pregnancy and giving birth, including diabetes, preeclampsia and premature birth.
The Dark Side of Sweet
Try to find a packaged food that doesn't contain some form of sugar. Pretty tough to do. In fact, it's nearly impossible. The bitter truth is - we are drowning in sweetness. Food and beverage manufacturers add sweeteners to most processed foods because it's a cheap way to make just about anything tastier.
More Magic from Mother's Milk
Babies whose mothers had diabetes during pregnancy face an increased risk of childhood obesity. However, a new study shows that breastfeeding may reduce that risk of obesity.
Sick and Abused
According to a study by Swedish researchers, children who are chronically ill are much more likely than healthy children to be victims of physical abuse.
Something Like a Cold Leads to Diabetes
Although the causes of type 1 diabetes remain largely unknown, Australian researchers have added support to the evidence showing that cold-like viruses may be responsible for the disease.
Kids Need Z's
Insufficient and disorganized sleep puts kids at higher risk of developing obesity and other health conditions, which may be able to be mitigated by "catch up" sleep on weekends and holidays.
Heavyweight First Nation Babies
In a recent study, Canadian researchers sought to determine if the prevalence of high birth weights in First Nation babies poses a risk for perinatal and postneonatal death.
Don't Sugarcoat It
Sugary drinks and foods may increase risk of heart disease in adulthood, according to a news study from Emory University.