Health News
Keeping Advanced Cancer from Advancing
Advanced colorectal cancer can metastasize (spread) to the liver. These new tumors can be surgically removed in some patients. A follow-up study analyzed whether chemotherapy helped these patients live longer.
Let's Talk About Colorectal Cancer Screening
While colorectal cancer is all too common, it’s one of the cancers that can be beaten when caught early. The key to winning is screening. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging people to pick a screening test and to, essentially, just do it!
Men, Don’t Take Colorectal Cancer Sitting Down!
Along with a healthy diet, there’s almost nothing better than being physically active for achieving optimum health. This reality is well known. But what about sedentary behavior – you know, sitting around or being a “couch potato" for many hours of the day? Does that matter?
Colorectal Cancer: A Family Matter
For most people, colonoscopy screening for colorectal cancer should begin at age 50. If everything looks good, the next colonoscopy happens 10 years later. For folks with a family history of the disease, earlier and more frequent screenings are recommended. But even that may not be enough.
Surgery Techniques Matter for Colorectal Cancer Patients
Elderly cancer patients typically are not as strong as their younger counterparts. They often don’t recover as quickly from surgery and may need special attention. Researchers have found that one surgical technique may improve the outlook for elderly colorectal cancer patients.
Only the Brave Die Young
People typically aren't diagnosed with colorectal cancer in their 20s or 30s. Recommended screening doesn’t even start until age 50. But colorectal cancer is indeed increasing in younger folks, and these young patients may have a tough battle ahead.
Primary Care Doctor Visits Save Lives
Research has shown that screening cuts the incidence of colorectal cancer. And folks who visit their doctors regularly are more likely to learn about and be referred for colorectal cancer screening. Do these two facts save lives?
Proven Way to Prevent Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer strikes down thousands of Americans every year. Fortunately, there’s a way to prevent this disease and these deaths.
Easiest Form of Colorectal Cancer Screening Worked
From a scientific standpoint, the effectiveness of cancer screenings are measured in the number of deaths prevented. Researchers recently looked at the impact one type of colorectal cancer screening had on saving lives.
FDA Approves First Generic Capecitabine to Treat Colorectal and Breast Cancers
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved the first generic version of Xeloda (capecitabine), an oral chemotherapy pill used to treat cancer of the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer) that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic), and metastatic breast cancer.