Health News
Are You Fat?
The image of "obesity" often conjures up people who can barely fit through a doorway or who always require two airline seats.
Snoozing to Lose
Too little sleep or too much poor quality sleep can hurt more than your energy levels - it can also hit your waistline. If you're not getting enough sleep, you may be trading Z's for pounds.
Shut Down Diabetes With Some Shut-Eye
Sleep is an important part of your health. Without your nightly shut-eye, your body would not get the rest it needs to prepare for the next day. A lack of sleep can also lead to certain diseases, including diabetes.
Kids Need Z's
Insufficient and disorganized sleep puts kids at higher risk of developing obesity and other health conditions, which may be able to be mitigated by "catch up" sleep on weekends and holidays.
The Dangers of Leaving the Light On
Keeping the lights on before going to sleep may have a negative influence on your health, according to a study to be published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism .