Health News
What Should You Take When Pregnant?
The small amount of evidence available about medications and pregnancy makes it tough for women to make informed decisions. Fortunately, researchers are learning more all the time.
One C Section, Two, Three and Four
Having five or more children may not be a common occurrence, but if they were all born by C section, moms should take note. Their risk of birth complications are higher.
New Vaccine Recommendation for Pregnancy
Decisions about vaccine policies are made throughout the year by a group of experts and researchers. They met recently to discuss current issues with diseases and to make recommendations.
Ward Off Breast Cancer with Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding your child can do more than provide your child better immunity and great nutrition. It can also reduce your risk of breast cancer.
Is It a Miscarriage?
Pain or bleeding occurs early in pregnancy for about a third of all women. This may mean the baby won't survive, but not always. A simple test may help you know.
Peanuts, Pregnancy and Protection
Many women are afraid to eat nuts while they’re pregnant for fear they could cause future allergies for their baby. New research suggests they need not worry.
Expectant Moms Need Fresh Air
If taking a breath of "fresh air" outside your door means inhaling exhaust, you might want to head to outlying parks more often during your pregnancy.
Managing Hypertension While Pregnant
If you have a chronic condition and become pregnant, it may mean different treatment during the pregnancy. High blood pressure is one such condition, and it's becoming more common.
Seeing Trends in Cancer and Pregnancy
Most women at prenatal appointments listen to the baby's heartbeat, discuss nutrition or hear general advice from their doctor. But the number hearing a cancer diagnosis is increasing.
Giving Birth is a Gas — Or Not
It's no secret that giving birth is painful. While care providers offer a range of methods to deal with that pain, little is known about one in particular: nitrous oxide.