Health News
World Breastfeeding Week Promotes Nursing
Breastfeeding can offer a number of benefits to mother and child, such as a reduced risk of diabetes and asthma. The World Health Organization (WHO) tries to promote those benefits each year with World Breastfeeding Week.

Myths and Facts About Pregnancy
It seems like there’s an endless supply of advice for mothers-to-be, from the well-meaning stranger at the store to your mother-in-law. Some myths may be harmless, but others could put you and your baby at risk. Learning what is myth and what is fact about pregnancy helps you know what you should really be worrying about and when you can relax.
Common Treatment for Pregnant Women May Be Ineffective
A common treatment for pregnant women prone to blood clots is a daily injection of blood thinner into the stomach. It's intended to prevent pregnancy complications, but recent research suggests this treatment may not work.
Lending a Hand to Moms of Preemies
The birth of a new baby, while joyful, can also bring a great deal of stress and anxiety — especially if the child arrived well before the due date.
Obesity's Role in Newborn Fat Mass
Parents play a crucial part in keeping their children healthy. For mothers, that influence starts when their baby is in the womb.
FDA and EPA Update Advice on Eating Fish
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today updated advice for pregnant women and young children about eating fish.
FDA Issues Advice on Eating Fish
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today issued draft updated advice on fish consumption.

Surprising Facts About Modern Mothers
Starting in 1914, every second Sunday of May has been dedicated to the celebration of motherhood, yet the profile of a typical mother has changed dramatically since the holiday’s inception.
Planning a Prenatal Diet
Expectant mothers have to consider certain everyday decisions of their life in a new way — including the food choices they make. So what should these women keep in mind now that they are "eating for two?"
Inducing Labor Didn't Raise C-Section Risk
Twenty percent of all births are the result of labor induction. This method is often thought to increase the risk of cesarean section, but this association might be an old wives' tale.