Health News

Too Many Hospital Blood Tests
Taking a diagnostic blood test while hospitalized is a fairly routine process. Most don't think twice about them. But for heart attack patients, such tests could lead to hospital-acquired anemia.
Human Platelet Creation to be Attempted
Inherited bleeding and clotting disorders are not well understood. Scientists hope that a study to create human platelet cells, which could aid chemotherapy patients in need of platelet transfusions, will provide insight into platelet function.
Seeing Sudden Death on Dialysis
When a diabetes patient's kidneys fail, that patient has to be put on dialysis. These patients may be at risk of having their heart suddenly stop. Now, researchers have found a way to spot who is most at risk.
Post-Heart Attack Exercise Depends on Location
Regular exercise is known to up survival odds after a heart attack. Yet patients who reside in poorer areas tend to get less physical activity than those in wealthier communities.
Don't Stop Your Aspirin Therapy!
Low-dose aspirin therapy is a standard of care for preventing second heart attacks. Stopping that therapy is not a good idea - in fact, stopping low-dose aspirin may cause a heart attack.
Avoiding Sudden Cardiac Death
At one time sudden cardiac death was viewed as rather random, but now new risk factors are regularly identified. One group that is at a higher risk is postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease.
Little Exercise is Better than None
Often times when people fail in exercising regularly, they give up altogether. That's not the best option. Even limited amounts of exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Your DNA Plays Greater Role in Heart Attack
A predisposition for heart attack risk is defined by genetics. Doesn't that mean the risks for heart diseases are the same? In fact, one particular risk seems to lead the way.
Sudden Heart Attack Predictors Identified
Researchers have long pondered whether it might be possible to predict the likelihood that someone will survive a heart attack. Certain traits may be good predictors.
Preventing Heart Disease Delivers a ROI
Cardiovascular disease comes with a hefty price tag. Empowering each individual to take action preventing heart disease is a better long-term investment for health, according to a recent statement by the American Heart Association.