Health News
Sleep Better with Dialysis at Home
Sleep problems are common among kidney patients who go through the dialysis process. A new study shows that short, daily dialysis sessions at home can reduce patients' sleep problems related to restless legs syndrome.
Sad About Kidneys
Reinforcing the fact that your mental health impacts your overall health, a new study has found a link between depression and your kidney health.
Exercise Saves Lives
Recipients of kidney transplants should get some exercise. According to a recent study, low physical activity increases a transplant recipient's risk of early death.
Don't Hate on Peritoneal Dialysis
Patients with end-stage renal disease who choose to undergo peritoneal dialysis have no greater risk of catheter infection than those who go through hemodialysis.
Keep Me Informed, Please
A recent survey reveals that many patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) want more information on the various treatment options available to them.
Healing Kidneys with Kidneys
Transplanting kidney stem cells taken from self-donors may improve kidney function after kidney damage from pyelonephritis, a kind of urinary infection that has reached the kidney.
Sacrifice Play
When Wake Forest baseball coach Tom Walter told his players that his team was about family and sacrifice, he wasn't kidding. This last week, Walter donated a kidney to recently-recruited outfielder Kevin Jordan.
Diabetes and Kidney Failure? I Had No Idea!
Many diabetics are unaware that their kidneys have been damaged until the disease has already taken its toll, according to UK researchers.
Bypassing Other Heart-Surgery Breakthroughs
Scientists have come together to create a process to make ready-made, easily stored blood vessels to be used in patients undergoing heart surgery or kidney dialysis.
The Secret Lies Within a Fish
Researchers have made an important step towards the ability to revive kidneys in patients with renal disease.