Health News

Weight Lost is Money Saved
It's working for Jessica Simpson. The singer, who's the new celebrity spokeswoman for Weight Watchers, has been following the program for a few months after giving birth to her first child.
Being Fat is No Way to Live
You've heard it a million times. Maybe you make a joke or say, “I really do need to lose some weight.” The fact is, fat isn’t good for you in any way - physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
If Mama is Snoring...
Just as snoring is associated more often with men than women, so is sleep apnea. Since snoring and sleep apnea are related, does that mean women don't get sleep apnea as frequently?
Weight Loss for Postmenopausal Women
As a person ages and the metabolism slows down, it can be more difficult to lose weight. Women past menopause can use strategies to shed the extra pounds though.
Obese Moms May Deprive Babies of Iron
Research is uncovering more and more about possible health risks to babies if their mothers are obese during pregnancy. Another one for the list: being born with low iron levels.
Children Arriving by C May Grow Bigger
Both the rate of obesity and the rate of elective C-sections have been increasing in the U.S. Though no evidence exists to say one causes another, they may be linked.
Nutrition Fights Off Gestational Obesity
When you’re pregnant, doctors advise you to keep your weight in check to ensure that mama and baby stay healthy. But often, they don’t tell moms exactly how to manage their weight.
Air Pollution Link to Childhood Obesity
It may not just be chicken nuggets and french fries adding too much weight to children's waistlines. The very air pregnant women breathe might play a small role too.
Even a Little Overweight is Bad for Baby
If you think being just a little overweight won't present problems for your pregnancy, think again. Addressing your weight could mean a safer delivery for you and your baby.
A Pregnant Woman's Best Friend
Gaining too much extra weight while pregnant can cause problems for mother and baby alike. One solution might be to bring in a third party - a dog.