Health News

Fireworks: Celebrate Safely
As you prepare to ring in the new year, you need to know a few things about fireworks and how to keep your family safe.
Head Injuries: More Than Concussions
Concussions have been linked to long-term brain damage, but a new study found that smaller impacts to the head may also lead to harm over time.
Vaccines: Not Just Kid Stuff
Immunizations aren't just for kids. Adults need vaccinations, too. Staying up to date on your vaccinations is one of the easiest ways to prevent disease.
Measles Outbreaks
With 349 confirmed cases across the United States as of 2018, measles appears to be on the rise.
Some EpiPen Expiration Dates Extended
Here's what you need to know about what's being done to address the ongoing EpiPen shortage.
How to Handle Bites and Stings
Summer means spending time at the beach, playing outside and having other outdoor adventures. It also means lots of opportunities for bites and stings from bugs and wildlife.
Where Zika Spread, Birth Defects Were More Common
Parts of the United States that had local Zika virus transmission saw an increase in birth defects that have been linked to the virus, a new study found.
Tdap Vaccine Appears Safe for Moms-to-Be
The safety of whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy can be a big concern for expecting moms and their doctors. But a new finding may help put that fear to rest.
Tdap Vaccine Was Safe Overall for Mom and Fetus
Since 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested that all pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine, even if they were vaccinated earlier in life. And new research found that Tdap was safe for both mom and baby.
What Do We Know of Herbs and Breastmilk?
In the US and throughout the world, many women use herbal supplements while they are breastfeeding. It is important to know about the safety and effectiveness of these herbs.