Health News

Rx for Arrhythmia Shortens Hospital Stay
The average price for a day in the hospital can be close to $4,000. So anything that can safely reduce hospital days would be welcome by both patients and insurers.
Does Stroke Rx Cause Excess Bleeding?
People with abnormal heart rhythms are at a higher risk of getting blood clots, which can cause a stroke. A blood-thinning medication may help. But some questions remain if these medications cause the bleeding.
Balancing Between Blood Clots and Bleeding
Aspirin is often used with prescription medicine to prevent blood clots after some medical procedures. But new evidence suggests dropping the aspirin to prevent bleeding.
Rx Busts Clots with Less Bleeding
Blood clots are very serious business that require treatment. But clot-busting medication can sometimes cause bleeding problems. Fortunately, a new medication may reduce bleeding side effects. 
Reducing Heart Surgery Complications
Blood thinners are commonly given after heart surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots, strokes and other complications. The question is how much they reduce the risk.
Blood Thinner Risk Lowered After a Month
It's not uncommon to be prescribed a blood thinner if you have atrial fibrillation. But blood thinners carry their own set of risks, including the possibility of hemorrhage.
Newer Blood Thinner Gaining Affirmation
Patients with atrial fibrillation, a common heart arrhythmia, have a higher risk of experiencing a stroke or blood clots. Warfarin (Coumadin) has long been the gold standard in treatment. That could be changing.
Clot Busters Safe for Warfarin Patients
After a stroke, tPA (tissue plasminogen activator), also known as a clot buster, offers the most effective acute treatment.
Aspirin Cuts Blood Clot Risk
Following a blood clot patients commonly take warfarin (Coumadin) to prevent a recurrence. It may be just as safe and effective for those individuals to later switch to aspirin.
Stroke Clot Busters Safe for Warfarin Patients
Clot busting drugs are safe for administering to stroke patients taking blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin), a new study has revealed.