AddictionsInfo Center
Divorcing a Problem
Divorce typically increases the odds either party will develop a drinking problem; however if there are already alcohol issues within the home it may do the exact opposite, research finds.
Cannabis Causes Car Crashes
Those abusing marijuana can no longer claim the drug does no harm. A report published today suggests that the use of cannabis nearly doubles a person’s chance of getting into a car accident.
It's Game Time - but not for Smokers
If your child’s an athlete there is a better chance he says “no” to cigarettes, a new study finds.
Addiction Runs in the Family
Drug addiction may be more genetic than we think. People who are addicted to drugs share similar brain abnormalities with their siblings, in the brain region that manages self-control - even if the sibling isn't drug-dependent.
Headed to College? Grab a Drink!
The U.S. government uncovered that young adults in college struggle with drinking problems more than people of the same age not attending school.
Curbing Cocaine Cravings with a Pill
A drug frequently prescribed for issues of the heart and prostate may be able to help cocaine addicts curb their need, a new report suggests.
College Students: Take 'Quit Smoking 101'
For young adults who smoke, relief is just around the corner. A new study shows young adults who quit smoking had improved respiratory function in as little as two weeks.
Borna Doesn't Cause Mental Illness
Recent studies confirm that borna disease virus, ( BDV ), an infectious neurological disorder, does not cause mental illness.
Take a Snack, If You Please
We all know someone who goes that extra mile to spread joy and aid others, but did you notice that they also tend to snack more?
When Will Moms-To-Be Quit Smoking?
Moms-to-be who are both overweight and smokers are more than twice as likely to have a baby with a congenital heart defect than women who are either overweight or a smoker but not both.