CancerInfo Center

Chemo Before Surgery May Benefit Ovarian Cancer Patients
It's not always one or the other when it comes to cancer treatment options like chemotherapy and surgery. And which comes first may make a difference.
Breast Cancer: Your History Might Not Be Your Future
Young women with a family history of breast cancer may be understandably anxious if diagnosed with the disease. But family history may not affect the ultimate outcome.
Advice for Smarter, Cost-Saving Cancer Screening
Catching cancer early can save lives, but screening too often — without good reason — may be costly and harmful.
What Women Need to Know about Breast Density
For women with dense breasts, cancer can be hard to detect — and the risk of getting it can be high. Even so, additional cancer screening tests may not be necessary.
Having Surgery? Quit Smoking
Ditching those cigarettes may help more than just your lungs.
A Stagnant Scene for Cancer Screening
Public health campaigns and billboards promoting cancer screening abound, but are these efforts working?
How a Cholesterol Rx Might Combat Prostate Cancer
Sometimes two medications may be better than one — at least when it comes to prostate cancer treatment.
Good Health Before Cancer: A Survival Booster
A healthy lifestyle — marked by healthy eating, exercise and a healthy weight — can help prevent cancer. In patients who get cancer, that same lifestyle may help them live longer.
Some Skin Cancers Saw Spike
As awareness about the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer rises, the hope is that skin cancer rates will decrease. New evidence, however, suggests that rates may not be on the decline.
New Guidelines Tackle Cervical Cancer Overscreening
New guidelines may change many women's preventive health care routines — particularly when it comes to cervical cancer screening.