Congestive Heart FailureInfo Center

Sudden Blood Pressure Drop Risky
If moving from a lying position to standing causes you to experience a sudden blood pressure drop, a condition known as orthostatic hypotension, you may be at a higher risk of developing heart failure.
Vitamin E Won't Cut Heart Failure Risk
Supplements can offer benefits to patients and, at times, even stave off certain medical conditions. While vitamin E supplements can be beneficial, they do not appear to lower the risk of heart failure in women.
Women Have Stronger Hearts Than Men
Heart failure may affect affect a similar proportion of men and women, but gender is still influencing the longevity of chronic heart failure patients.
Hispanics Have Advantage in Surviving Heart Failure
Hispanics have several risk factors for heart failure, but little research has been available regarding Hispanic patients suffering the condition. A new study suggests that when it comes to survival, they may have an advantage.
CRT Benefits Many Heart Failure Patients
In recent years there's been more of a push toward cardiac re-synchronization therapy to treat patients with significant heart failure. A new review suggests the therapy also may benefit those with mild heart failure symptoms.
Proactive Goals Key for Heart Failure Patients
With the continued development of new treatments and technology, advanced heart failure patients are living longer. Doctors suggest maximizing that added longevity by discussing goals and care preferences earlier.
Is Your Lung Connected to Heart Failure
Poor lung function may be more than just a symptom of respiratory disease. A new study has shown a link between lung function and the increased risk of heart failure.
Heart Failure New Guidelines Boost Survival
Several simple steps such as better heart education and taking blood pressure medication could help heart failure patients improve their chances of survival over the next two years.
Gene Mutation Linked to Heart Failure Discovered
New genome sequencing techniques have helped researchers successfully analyze TTN , the largest gene in the human genome. They've found that mutations in this gene are linked to a common type of heart failure.
Hearts Love Aspirin
When it comes to helping heart failure patients avoid a stroke, common over-the-counter aspirin may be just as effective as a prescription blood thinner.