DiabetesInfo Center
Rx Shows Promise for Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients often face a second problem: kidney disease. But a new medication may be here to help.
New Diabetes Combo Rx Gets Go-Ahead
The FDA approval of a new combination medication should soon bring type 2 diabetes patients a new treatment option.
Popular Diabetes Rx May Have New Destination in the Body
A new form of a popular medication might change the game for some patients with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Rx May Offer Weight Loss Bonus
If you're a type 2 diabetes patient trying to lose weight, the medication you take could make a difference.
The Latest Skinny on Trans Fats
You likely know that a fatty diet is bad for you, but that may all depend on what kind of fats you're talking about.
Weight Loss Surgery Benefits Were Short-Lived
Weight loss surgery can produce dramatic results, but it seems that keeping the weight off can be a challenge.
How Heart Attacks Affect Life Expectancy
After a heart attack, life expectancy can depend on many factors. Now new evidence suggests that even a patient's sex and skin color may play a role.
On Your Feet for Heart Health
Will all the office couch potatoes please stand up? Your heart may thank you for it.
Rethink Your Drink
You may want to think twice before you down that bottle of Coke.
Diabetes Rx May Do Double-Duty for Parkinson’s Disease
Sometimes important scientific discoveries occur secondhand. For Parkinson's disease, that may be exactly the case.