DiabetesInfo Center
How Diabetes and Obesity Affect Cancer Rates
Obesity and diabetes might have caused nearly 800,000 cases of cancer around the world in 2012, a new study found.
Antioxidants and Your Diabetes Risk
Here's another reason you may want to eat antioxidant-rich foods: They may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.
How to Celebrate National Diabetes Month
It's National Diabetes Month, and you can celebrate by learning how to better manage your diabetes.
Diabetes: Progress and Problems
There's good news and bad news about diabetes in the United States, according to a new study.
Gestational Diabetes and Your Heart
Pregnant women who experience gestational diabetes may have an increased risk of heart disease later on, a new study found.
The Benefits of Insulin Pumps
Young patients with type 1 diabetes may have a lower risk of complications if they use insulin pumps instead of injections, according to a new study.
Stroke Risk Factors: A Growing Threat
In spite of stroke-prevention efforts in recent years, stroke risk factors appear to be becoming more common, according to a new study.
Monitoring Blood Sugar Without the Finger-Stick
A newly approved device can monitor blood sugar without requiring a blood sample.
The Problem with Delaying Insulin
When their doctors recommend insulin, many patients with diabetes may initially refuse it, according to a new study.
Obesity: Still a Big Problem in the US
Obesity continues to be a significant health concern across the United States, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).