DiabetesInfo Center
A Threshold for Prediabetes Treatment
Stopping diabetes before it starts is the key to lowering rates of this common disease. The question is: when is the best time to step in with medical treatment without wasting precious resources?
Weightlifting First Controls Diabetes
Unlike type 2 diabetes patients, people with type 1 diabetes have to be careful when they exercise. Physical activity can knock their blood sugar levels out of control.
Which Weight-Loss Surgery for Diabetes?
For some people, losing weight is not as easy as dieting and exercising. Sometimes, extremely overweight people need surgery to protect them from the dangers of obesity, such as diabetes. But which surgery is best?
Seniors With a Syndrome Face Kidney Risk
As you get older, your body becomes less resilient in the face of diseases like diabetes and kidney disease. But a weakening body does not mean you are doomed. There are steps you can take to protect your health.
Diabetes Test Detects DNA
Testing for viruses and bacteria used to require expensive equipment. Soon, people may be able to spot diseases and unsafe foods from the comfort of their home.
Checking Your Own Blood Sugar
Self-monitoring of blood sugar levels is a key part of managing type 1 and type 2 diabetes in patients treated with insulin. Yet, it is unclear if self-monitoring works for those not treated with insulin.
Diabetes Drug Doesn't Overdo Its Job
In the battle against diabetes, diet and exercise are our strongest weapons. When those fail, we often turn to drug treatment. So, it is good news when a new diabetes drug seems to be safer than those before it.
Calm Your Nerves about Pre-Diabetes
In almost all cases, people have prediabetes before they develop type 2 diabetes. Like diabetes, prediabetes has been linked to complications such as nerve damage. Now, new research may break that link.
Pregnancy Complications Can Predict Heart Disease
Pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia may not just put your health at risk in the short term. Such pregnancy disorders also may affect your risk of heart disease later in life.
Heart at Risk After Birth Complications
Women with pregnancy complications like diabetes or high blood pressure may not be in the clear after giving birth. They need to consider cardiovascular risks down the road.