GastrointestinalInfo Center
Affected On the Out and In
What happens on the outside can affect us on the inside. And it happens both ways, specifically among patients with psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Sleepless in the Bathroom
Tired of trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night? For women who can't sleep, your bladder may be connected to those long, restless nights.
Bacteria Good For the Gut?
The pain and inconvenience of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be made worse by not knowing how to prevent or treat a flare-up. Many doctors believe that IBS results from changes in bacteria in the colon. They also believe that managing this bacteria can help ease symptoms.
Upset Belly Pill Approved
Those uncomfortable and sometimes painful trips to the bathroom may be a little easier to deal with. The US Food and Drug Administration approved Linzess , which is a new drug used to treat bad cases of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation in adults.
Obese Youth Likelier to Have Gallstones
As children's waistlines continue to grow across the U.S., so do their chances of getting gallstones.
When Sticks And Stones Can Break Your Bones
Loss of bone mass with age is normal but can be dangerous if it occurs too quickly or prematurely. Low bone mass results in weak bones that have a higher chance of fracture.
My Bacteria Is Better Than Yours
Everyone's got billions of little critters hanging out in their gut. They're helpful little critters — they aid the digestive and immune systems. But what you eat changes what they are.
A Bean a Day Keeps the Gas Away?
It’s common knowledge - beans give you gas. Limericks and sayings have taught us this since we were children. But now, the long held belief is being reexamined. Research shows the link between diet and gas may be more complicated.
All Eyes on Surgery for Acid Reflux
Some obese patients with acid reflux still feel heartburn and nausea after seeking surgery to help. Thinking about going under the knife can be scary to begin with, and surgical procedures need to be done right.
Kids with Crohn’s Have New Exam Option
Concerns about radiation exposure to children with stomach trouble is a thing of the past. More options are available to examine children with inflammatory bowel syndrome or Crohn disease.