GoutInfo Center

Gout Explained
Once called the "disease of kings," gout is marked by tenderness, redness and pain in joints — mainly in the big toe. Read on for some helpful tips to prevent gout flare-ups.
Gout Rx Under FDA Investigation
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a new warning for a common gout medication.
New Gout Combo Rx Approved
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new combination medication to treat gout.
A Potential New Treatment for Acute Gout
An acute attack of gout can be extremely painful. But there may be a quick and effective treatment on the horizon.
A New Treatment for Gout
When too much uric acid builds up in their blood, patients can develop gout. But a newly approved medication could combat that uric acid buildup.
Gout Patients Missed Out on Medication
Gout is treatable, but many patients may not be receiving the specific medication recommended for them. Is price this reason?
Gout Patients May Have Higher Diabetes Risk
Having gout has been tied to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And one gender might be at higher risk than the other.
Erectile Dysfunction Was Common in Men With Gout
While anyone can develop gout, a type of arthritis, the condition is more common in men than women. And it seems that gout may be linked to a problem only men can experience.
Gout: A Family Affair
Gout is a painful form of arthritis that affects millions of people around the world. Now researchers think you might place some of the blame on your close relatives.
In the Hospital, Your Joints Also Need Care
You've just started feeling better after your hospitalization, but then realize you’re having a gout attack. Up until now, your symptoms were well controlled. Why?