HypertensionInfo Center
Why US Stroke Deaths Have Declined
Rates of death from stroke have steadily declined in the past century. A recent statement investigated what factors are affecting this trend.
High Blood Pressure Treatment and Swollen Gums
Medication is just one of many causes of gingivitis, and a recent review of studies suggested that calcium channel blockers (CCBs) used to treat high blood pressure may be one of the offenders.
Examining Options for Treating High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a relatively common condition that can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. A recent review examined the different drug treatment options.
A Pregnancy Complication on the Rise
The vast majority of pregnancies are uncomplicated, with healthy moms and healthy babies. But one of the more common pregnancy complications when one occurs is pre-eclampsia.
The Possible Dangers of Sodium in Pills
Hamburgers, potato chips and some prescription medications — what could all of these things have in common? Their sodium content may be putting people at risk for heart problems.
Three Big Factors to Beat Heart Disease if Obese
Being overweight or obese can raise the risk for heart disease and stroke. While losing weight may help, shedding pounds can be hard. There may be other ways for overweight people to lower these risks.
Lower BP Immediately After Stroke May Not Prevent Death, Disability
While managing blood pressure can lower the risk for stroke, the benefits may not be as great for patients who have already experienced a stroke.
It Takes a Team to Beat High Blood Pressure
It's not always easy for people to control high blood pressure on their own. According to a new science advisory, a collaborative approach may lead to better blood pressure control.
Linking Blood Pressure to Dementia
Keeping blood pressure in check is high on the priority list for many older people, mainly because blood pressure tends to rise with age. And blood pressure that's out of whack can signal a serious health problem.
Looking Beyond Targets for Blood Pressure Medications
When prescribing high blood pressure medication, doctors often focus on getting their patients to reach a blood pressure target. A more individualized approach, looking at multiple factors, may be more effective.