HypertensionInfo Center
How to Lower Your Diabetes Risk While You Sleep
Patients who take their blood pressure medications at bedtime may wake up with a lower risk of diabetes.
Vitamin D and Your Brain
Vitamin D is essential for building strong bones. But new evidence suggests that it may also play an important role in protecting against cognitive decline.
Global Health Affected by Unhealthy Habits
Many of the deaths that occur around the world today may be preventable.
Stopping Blood Pressure Meds May Not Help Cognition
Any medication can cause side effects, and high blood pressure medications are no exception.
A Heart Rx That Could Help Cancer Patients
Beta blockers are a class of heart medications that treat high blood pressure. But for some patients, they may have other lifesaving benefits.
Weight Loss Surgery Benefits Were Short-Lived
Weight loss surgery can produce dramatic results, but it seems that keeping the weight off can be a challenge.
How Heart Attacks Affect Life Expectancy
After a heart attack, life expectancy can depend on many factors. Now new evidence suggests that even a patient's sex and skin color may play a role.
Please Don’t Pass the Salt
Salt and high blood pressure may go together like ham and eggs.
Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US, but watching for certain risk factors may help give your heart a chance.
Trauma Tough on Women’s Hearts
Traumatic events — such as assault and natural disasters — may exact more than just an emotional toll on many women.