Kidney DiseaseInfo Center

Surgery Cuts Kidney Disease in Diabetes
In many cases, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or reversed through a healthy diet and exercise. When lifestyle changes don't do the trick, obese patients can turn to weight loss surgery.
Hurting Kidneys in Major Surgeries
Surgery can be a lifesaving measure for patients suffering from a number of diseases. Sometimes, though, surgery can lead to serious complications, including kidney damage.
Kidneys Donations Vary by Community
The United States has a long history of racial inequality, unfortunately. While progress towards equality has undoubtedly been made, some racial gaps still exist, particularly when it comes to health care.
Surgery for Obese is Risky Business
There's a long list of problems that being overweight can cause, and we all know the list by heart. But new research shows that being fat may have additional risks for surgery including kidney damage.
Kids with One Kidney Safe to Play Sports
For the most part, high school sports are safe. Still, parents worry that their kids will get hurt. At least parents can rest assured that their children are unlikely to hurt their kidneys.
Kidney Disease Raises Heart Attack Risk
A human body is a network of interconnected systems. This means one unhealthy organ can cause problems in an entirely different part of the body. Often, it is the heart that takes the blow.
Cancer Detectives on Stakeout
While there are a lot of fancier ways to phrase it, m etabolomics is the field of tracking cancers by looking in their trash. As it turns out, it's quite effective.
Kidney Drug Helps Transplants & Fights Cancer
Frequently, drugs start life as a treatment for one condition. With increasingly complicated drugs affecting the immune system, it seems the sky's the limit for potential uses of some medications.
Is Kidney Cancer Rare?
Each cancer in a given organ can be quite different. For an uncommon cancer, a large enough population to study is necessary for doctors to make decisions on future cases.
Obesity Blocks Kidney Donation
Obesity can lead to all sorts of health problems, from heart disease to diabetes. Now, it seems obesity can get in the away of kidney donation.