Mental HealthInfo Center

Substance Use in Teens with ADHD
Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have a harder time in life and wind up reaching for substances to cope. Early interventions may improve later habits.
When Epilepsy Occurs In Childhood
Memory is often an area of concern for people with epilepsy. For children who are just learning about the world around them, memory can be of particular importance to their physical, mental, emotional and social development.
Depression Makes Asthma Worse
Mental health can often affect many different aspects of life, including physical health. New research suggests that older adults with asthma may have more asthma-related issues when they are depressed.
Should Brain Scans Diagnose Dementia?
Dementia causes changes in the brain. But should brain imaging be used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease? Experts say that doctors should use imaging cautiously.
A Medication Risk Factor for Autism
There is no known single cause for autism. However, certain diseases or medications during pregnancy have been linked to autism. One culprit may be a medication used to treat epilepsy.
Folic Acid May Protect Against Autism
Taking folic acid before and during pregnancy may help lower the risk of some birth defects. Researchers wanted to know if folic acid was linked to autism in any way.
I Can't Remember How I Slept…
If you snore loudly, there is a possibility you have obstructive sleep apnea. The condition can affect much more than just the quality of your sleep though. It could affect your memory.
Organ Transplant Stressing You Out?
Having organ transplant surgery is very stressful both before and after the surgery. Managing stress throughout the process is important for the patient’s overall quality of life.
Mentally Ill More Likely to Smoke
Too many people in America still smoke. People with mental illness may be more likely to smoke and to smoke more cigarettes per month than people without mental illness.
Chasing After Autism Therapies that Work
Parents of kids with autism know there are many different treatment options and many different sources of information. Making decisions about which treatment is best can be hard.