Mental HealthInfo Center
High Blood Pressure May Prompt Mental Decline
High blood pressure affects 1 in 3 US adults and is tied to an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and other serious conditions, reports the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). But high blood pressure in midlife may also forecast mental decline later.
Exercise Early May Not Prevent Depression in Adolescents Later
Exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on symptoms of depression. But these mental health benefits may not be the same in young people as in others.
Millions of Medical Conditions Tied to Smoking
Many past studies have shown that smoking cigarettes is unhealthy and can cause illnesses like COPD and cancer. Now, a new study has highlighted the extent of these illnesses caused by tobacco.
Alcohol Often Involved in ER Visits for Prescription Abuse
Alcohol and prescription medications can both be safe in moderation or as prescribed by a doctor. But their abuse and misuse can be dangerous or even deadly, says a new study.
CDC Reports Americans Living Longer Than Ever
Americans may be living longer than ever before. In a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, measures of life span were up and rates of death were down.
Heart Problems May Start Early on in Schizophrenia
A mental illness can affect almost every part of life — including heart health, say the authors of a new study.
Researchers Find Possible Link Between Tobacco and Oral HPV
Smoking has been tied to health issues of all types. Now, smokers might have another reason to kick the habit — oral human papillomavirus (HPV).
20 Years of Marijuana Research Summarized in New Report
States across the US continue to debate the merits of allowing medicinal and, in some cases, recreational marijuana use. Yet there’s still uncertainty about the long-term health impacts of cannabis.
Mental Health Issues in Cancer Patients Differed By Cancer Type
Living with cancer can be more than a physical battle. For some patients, the disease can be a mental challenge as well. It seems some types of cancers may be tied to a heavier mental burden than others.
Drug Overdose Deaths a Problem in US
Some medications that were created to help people heal can do major harm when abused. A new report found that death rates from some painkillers and other drugs may be on the rise.