Mental HealthInfo Center
Physicians Can Play Greater Role in Suicide Prevention
Primary care doctors treat all sorts of physical problems, but they also have an opportunity to address mental health issues like depression. Unfortunately, mental health might not come up in many doctors' offices.
New Pain Rx Sparking Controversy
A new pain medication recently became a controversial topic. While some say the medication will offer a new option to people in pain, others are concerned about potential dangers.
Kids of Older Fathers at Higher Psychological Risk
Waiting to have children is not uncommon, but there might be some consequences for the children if parents wait too long.
One Quarter of Middle-Aged Women Unhappy with Sleep Quality
Previous studies have found that middle-aged women have more sleep issues than middle-aged men. However, it's not clear why this is.
Flu While Pregnant Might Affect Baby's Mental Health
Previous research established a link between prenatal exposure to infection and later schizophrenia. New research aimed to see if this same link was present for bipolar disorder.
Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Might Affect Child's Behavior
Acetaminophen is the most common over-the-counter pain reliever in the United States, and is generally considered safe for pregnant women to use. A new study, however, showed that the medication may affect a child's behavioral development.
Improving Quality of Life at the End of Life
End-of-life care that supports dying patients’ needs is often provided when the patient has only two months left to live. But sooner may be better.
Stress Goes To Your Head
It's not all in your head — stress really does make a difference when it comes to the headaches or migraines that you might experience.
Another Option to Treat Bipolar Depression
Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of extreme energy and activity, called the manic phase, and periods of major depression. There are few medications approved to treat this type of depression.
Even Before COPD, Smokers Exercised Less
Plenty of smokers also exercise and try to stay fit. But researchers behind a new study found that they still might not fare as well as non-smokers.