Neuromuscular DiseaseInfo Center
The Shape of Arthritis
Your risk of osteoarthritis is higher if you are obese, have had joint injuries, or overuse your joints. But can the shape of your joint play a role in arthritis?
Boosting Memory in Alzheimer's Patients
Alzheimer's disease patients can have trouble remembering basics from the faces of loved ones to where they put something down. A medical food that has showed promise in trials could help with a memory boost.
Not Enough of a Good Thing
Osteoarthritis patients can benefit greatly from exercise. But how many arthritis patients actually take advantage of this cheap and effective form of treatment?
Osteoporosis Tool Approved
A diagnostic tool for early assessment of osteoporosis has gained FDA approval. The device, called Sunlight MiniOmni, is already used in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Downward Dog for Your Back
While many people find that drugs can relieve their back pain, medical treatment is not always the best option. Sometimes some simple physical activity can do the trick.
A New Treatment for MS?
A new drug for multiple sclerosis (MS) has shown promising results in clinical trials. The drug, called ocrelizumab, has a novel new target to treat the disease.
Hypertension Drugs May Lower Alzheimer's Risk
Patients suffering from hypertension may be at an added benefit. Their blood pressure medication may help lower their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Is Your Child in Pain?
It's never easy to see a child in pain. It's even harder when a child has to undergo an operation – and then feels the resulting pain for weeks or months.
Breath Test for Multiple Sclerosis
Imagine being able to detect a life-changing disease with just an exhale. That's how doctors plan to diagnose multiple sclerosis.
Tiny Transporters Deliver Pain Relief
Arthritis drugs can be effective if given enough time to work. But the drugs often leave the body before their job is done. Finding a way to make arthritis drugs last longer could mean better results and fewer injections.