Neuromuscular DiseaseInfo Center
Kids' Tummy Fat Makes for Weaker Bones
Being "big boned" as a kid is one thing. But having big bones doesn't mean the bones are strong and dense.
The Knee Needs of Girls
Women considering a new knee have a choice: a standard knee replacement designed for either gender or a knee that's made just for the ladies.
Antidepressant May Ease Cancer Pain
Chemotherapy can and does save lives. These powerful cancer medicines also have side effects that can last years. But an existing medication may come to the rescue.
Not So Happy With the New Knee
One major consideration when undergoing knee replacement surgery is whether the new knee will actually be an improvement over the original knee.
Explaining the Pain in Hip Replacement
Hip replacements are meant to give patients improved mobility and pain relief. But sometimes, hip replacement patients have post-surgery pain that doctors cannot explain. New research may offer an explanation.
Bumps in Hip Surgery
Arthroscopy of the hip doesn't involve much cutting into the skin or joint. But going under the knife, even for a minor hip procedure, is not without its risks.
Which Knees Need the Knife?
A burning question among orthopedic docs is when is it appropriate to operate versus when to wait and prescribe physical therapy? In short, who needs the knife?
Quit Smoking and Enjoy That New Hip
Total hip replacement and smoking cigarettes just don’t mix. That's because smoking can cramp the healing process. Even quitting just before surgery is better than not quitting at all.
Off to the Hospital for MS Patients
Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are more prone to infection than people without the disease. This increased infection risk may translate to more hospitalizations among MS patients.
Linking Poor Sleep and Alzheimer's
Poor sleep is linked to a wide range of possible ailments. However, it also works the other way around. Poor sleep can also be a sign that illness is contributing to the bad sleep.