Neuromuscular DiseaseInfo Center

The Runner's High
Blood doping refers to the practice some professional athletes use to artificially raise their amount of red blood cells with repeat blood transfusions, and with higher levels of oxygen in their blood they can push the limits of human endurance.
Cholesterol Plays a Role in Alzheimer’s
A protein, called beta amyloid , builds up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Cholesterol may be a factor in how much beta amyloid is produced.
Understanding Angelman Syndrome
For families and caretakers of those with Angelman syndrome, research into causes of seizures is vital, as the consequences of seizures can range from disruption of daily life to death.
Anxious with Arthritis
The pain of arthritis can seem ever-present. Eventually, that pain can become more than physical; it can dampen your day and sour your mood.
Roots of Child Epilepsy are Clearer
It is difficult and scary when your child is experiencing seizures. It is reassuring to know that researchers are working hard to find the causes and treatments.
Why are Headaches Common After Brain Injury?
It seems obvious that headaches would persist after a traumatic brain injury. Curiously, headaches appear to be more common after a mild traumatic brain injury compared to more severe injuries.
The Migraine Treatment No One is Suggesting
Despite demonstrated evidence-based effectiveness, a new survey revealed that few migraine treatment specialists suggest that their patients try biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy or relaxation training.
Tai Chi for the Soul, Body and Mind
You've seen them in parks or in films: rows of older men and women moving through the slow, graceful movements of tai chi. And it may be more than their bodies that they are improving.
A Boxing Match in the Sack?
A little unconscious kick or punch from a partner during sleep isn't too bad, but if nighttime feels like a boxing match, a rare and serious sleep disorder may be to blame.
Could a Little Shut Eye Help Parkinson’s?
One of the great difficulties associated with Parkinson’s disease is muscle control. Shaking in the arms and hands are common symptoms, but a new study shows a natural remedy may help.