Prenatal CareInfo Center
Treating Blood Cancer During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in a woman’s life. She’s caring for herself and the child growing inside her. Sometimes, but not often, this bliss is interrupted with a cancer diagnosis. A recent study looked at treating blood cancers during pregnancy.
What Snoring Means for Expecting Moms
Snoring can be more than just an annoyance to others trying to sleep in the same room. For pregnant women, snoring could indicate certain higher risks.
Preeclampsia May Be Linked to Kidney Failure
Pregnancy can be an exciting time for many women, but it also comes with some risks, including high blood pressure. And according to a recent study, high blood pressure during pregnancy may affect kidney health later in life.
Watching for Blood Clots in Pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, the hormones her body makes can increase her risk of experiencing a blood clot. Other factors might increase this risk further.
How to Deal With Diabetes and Pregnancy
Diabetes is a disease that needs to be carefully managed. And that couldn't be more true for pregnant women or those planning on getting pregnant.
Seeking Answers for Autism
In looking for a cause of autism, researchers often investigate every possibility imaginable. This includes conditions that occur when a woman is pregnant.
The Puzzle of Lupus, Pregnancy and Autism
The possible causes of autism are one of the great mysteries of medicine today. I t is possible that certain health conditions during pregnancy might play a role in autism.
Another Risk for Babies of Smoking Moms
Women have been told it's important not to smoke while they're pregnant. Some women may not realize how much smoking in pregnancy might affect their children later on.
Autism Risk in Super Early Arrivals
One of the challenges of looking for the causes of autism is that some findings are misleading. Just because something is related to autism doesn't it mean it caused it. Such is the dilemma in the findings of a recent study looking at autism risk and babies born early.
Of Pregnancy Blues and Drinking Clues
The recommendations not to drink alcohol while pregnant are clear from obstetric medical organizations in the US. Yet pregnant women feeling depressed may be at risk for ignoring this advice.