StrokeInfo Center
A Silent Explanation for Memory Loss
Developing memory loss as you age? The culprit for memory loss in some elderly patients may be linked to silent strokes that caused small pockets of dead brain cells.
Vitamins May Still Reduce Stroke Risk
Several recent trials have suggested that vitamin therapy does not lower stroke risk. A pair of doctors is disputing those findings, instead pointing out they can be beneficial in higher doses.
Hypertension Now, Heart Risk Later
Blood pressure changes during middle age may be more significant than they appear. An increase or decrease in blood pressure during that period can increase lifetime risk of heart disease and stroke.
American Heart Health Needs Improving
The number of strokes experienced by Americans is declining, but substantial heart health improvements are still needed as larger, higher calorie meals become more popular and obesity continues to rise.
Robot Therapy Gets Stroke Survivors Moving
For some patients who suffer a stroke, the impact may be significant, leaving them severely impaired. These individuals may benefit from an innovative rehabilitation program that incorporates robotic assistance.
Magnetic Stimulation Aids Stroke Recovery
After a stroke it is common for patients to awake to find that they are unable to see or recognize anything on the body's left side. Called hemispatial neglect, there have been few effective treatments.
Khat Dangerous for the Heart
Chewing an herbal stimulant such as khat may seem like a pleasant and safe way to unwind. In fact those that chew khat are at an increased risk of stroke and dying.
Stem Cell Transplant Recipients Prone to Problems
Stem cell transplant patients may not only be at risk during treatment. A new study suggests that a decade later they are still more susceptible to psychological conditions and chronic illness.
Borderline Hypertension, Elevated Stroke Risk
Borderline high blood pressure puts individuals at an elevated stroke risk even though patients don't formally have hypertension. Common blood pressure drugs may significantly reduce that risk.
Just as Fit With a Lower Heart Risk?
Getting your heart into better shape isn't just about losing weight. Improving your fitness level even without weight loss reduces your risk of dying.