TuberculosisInfo Center
Staying Focused on TB
While great strides have been made in combating tuberculosis (TB), it is by no means time to forget about the disease. This is the key message of World Tuberculosis Day, observed on March 24.
The Status of TB in Children
Pediatricians ask many questions at yearly check ups. There’s one question they might need to add to the list: Where were the child’s parents born?
New Rx for Hard-to-Treat TB
In the United States, most people recover from tuberculosis (TB), a type of lung infection. In some people, however, the drugs used to treat TB don't work. A recently approved drug could help fix this problem.
Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Hits India
When a disease becomes resistant to its current treatment, there is cause for widespread concern. That's what is happening in India today, as drug-resistant tuberculosis cases are on the rise.
Pregnancy Increases Risk for Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection that affects your lungs. It’s not very common in the U.S., only affecting about 11,000 Americans yearly. But there’s one group that may be more susceptible to TB: pregnant women.
Why PZA has TB Pizzazz
How a 60-year-old drug used to treat an even older disease, tuberculosis (TB), works has never really been understood, until now. Pyrazinamide (PZA) appears to be a tie that binds TB progression.
TB Blood Tests Inaccurate
Blood tests are one method that has been relied on to diagnosis tuberculosis (TB). Now the World Health Organization has warned that such blood tests can frequently be inaccurate and lead to unsuitable treatments.
To Be or not TB
In low-income nations, healthcare costs are soaring and many people infected with tuberculosis (TB) are left without any treatment options.
Give Me Some Skin to Fight HIV
Infectious disease prevention is often aided with the introduction of new antiretroviral drugs. Poor nations facing infectious diseases epidemics have limited access to these new drug therapies.
Drugs Found Effective for TB With HIV Infection
Activities that require daily maintenance can be tough to adhere to. New research shows that patients with TB can take drugs less often and for a shorter duration of time.