Substituted alkylamines
Parent Classes
Updated: March 23, 2025
Medication Names by Generic
- Brompheniramine
- AccuHist DM PediatricAccuHist DM Pediatric DropsAccuHist PDXAccuHist PediatricAcutuss DM PediatricAla-Hist DMAlacolAlacol DMAlenaze-DAlka-Seltzer Plus Night TimeAllanhistAllanhist PDXAllentAltatappAnnaplex DMXBalacall DMBetatanBidhistBidhist-DBrofedBrom TannBrom Tann PEBromalineBromaline DMBromaline PlusBromanateBromanate DCBromanate DMBromanate DX CoughBromatolBromaxBromaxefed DM RF SyrupBromaxefed RFBromdex DBromfedBromfed DMBromhist NRBromhist PDXBromhist PDX SyrupBromhist Pediatric DropsBromhist-DMBromhist-DM DropsBromophen TDBromph HDBromphenex DMBromplex DMBromplex HDBromtuss DMBroveXBroveX CBBroveX CTBroveX HCBroveX PEBBroveX PEB DMBroveX PSBBroveX PSB DMBrovex DBrovex PBBrovex PBCBrovex PBDBrovex PDBrovex PSEBrovex PSE DMBrovex SRC Tan DCanges-HCCentussinCodimal AComtrex Nighttime Acute Head ColdDallergy DMDelhistine DMDicel CDDimetaneDimetane DCDimetane DXDimetane DecongestantDimetane ExtentabDimetapp Allergy LiquigelDimetapp Allergy SinusDimetapp Children's Cold & AllergyDimetapp Children's Cold and Allergy Reformulated Jan 2011Dimetapp ColdDimetapp Cold and Cough LiquigelDimetapp Cold and FeverDimetapp Cold and FluDimetapp DMDimetapp DM Cold & CoughDimetapp Nighttime FluDristan Cold Maximum StrengthDrocon-CSDuraTan DMDuravent DPBEndafedFluTuss HCHistex SRHistinex DMJ-Cof DHCLiquiphed DMLodraneLodrane DM-End PEM-End WCM-endMar-cof BPMyphetane DCMyphetane DXMyphetappNalex ACNasahist BNeo DMPluratussPoly Histine DMPoly-Histine CSPoly-Tussin ACPoly-Tussin DHCPresgenProHist DMPulmariRespa-BRRespahistRespahist IIResperal-DM DropsRhinabidRhinabid PDRobitussin Allergy & CoughRompe Pecho-SFRondecRx-Act Children's Cold and AllergyRynex-DMSeradexSeradex-LASiltaneSinuhistSymTan ATL-Hist CDTL-Hist DMTanabid SRTouro A&HTouro AllergyTrexbromTrexbrom Reformulated Jun 2011Tusdec-DMTusnelTussi Pres B Reformulated Aug 2011UltrabromUltrabrom PDUni Hist PDXUni-Hist DM Pediatric DropsUni-Hist PDX DropsV-CofVaZol DVazobid-PDVazolVazotabVazotanVazotuss HCWal-Tap Children's Cold & AllergyWal-Tap DMZotex PE
- Chlorphenamine
- AccuHist DropsAccuHist PDX DropsActifed Cold & AllergyAdvil Allergy & Congestion ReliefAdvil Allergy SinusAerohistAerohist PlusAerokidAhistAlka-Seltzer Plus ColdAlka-Seltzer Plus Cold MedicineAlka-Seltzer Plus Cold Reformulated Oct 2009Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and CoughAlka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough EffervescentAlka-Seltzer Plus Cough and Cold LiquigelAlka-Seltzer Plus Cough and Cold Liquigel Reformulated Aug 2011Alka-Seltzer Plus D Multi-Symptom Sinus & ColdAlka-Seltzer Plus FluAlka-Seltzer Plus Flu Reformulated Jan 2011AlleRxAlleRx PE PMAlleRx PMAlleRx PM Reformulated Apr 2008AllerTanAllerestAllerest PEAllerx DF AMAllerx SuspensionAllres DSAmdry-CAnamineAtuss DRAtuss DSAtuss HDAtuss HSAtuss-12 DMB-TussBactimicina Childrens Cough & ColdBaczol Cold MedicineBalamine DM Reformulated Apr 2013BaltussinBlanex-AC-Phed DMC-Phed TannateC-Tanna 12CP-TannicCarbaphen CHCarbaphen Ped CHCardec DMCardec DM Drops Reformulated Mar 2011Cardec DropsCentergyCentergy DMCerose DMChildren's Nyquil Cold and CoughChildrens Tylenol Cold Plus CoughChlo-AmineChlor-TrimetonChlor-Trimeton Allergy Decongestant SRChlor-Trimeton SinusChlorDex GPChlorTanChlorTan DChlorateChlornadeCo-Histine DHCodar ARCodeprexColdCoughColdamineColdexColdtuss-DRComtrex Cold and Cough NighttimeComtrex Cold and Flu Maximum Strength Reformulated Aug 2006ConalCondrinContac 12 HourContac Cold and Flu Maximum StrengthContac Severe Cold and Flu Maximum StengthCordron-HCCorfen-DMCoricidinCoricidin DCoricidin D ColdCoricidin HBP Cough and ColdCoricidin HBP Flu Maximum StrengthCotab ACotab AXCotabfluCoughtussCovangesicCreomulsion Cough/Cold/AllergyCreomulsion PediatricCuralerCyndal HDCytuss HCD.a. IiDallergy DropsDallergy PSEDallergy-JRDayquil AllergyDe-Chlor DRDe-Chlor HCDe-Chlor HDDecohistine DHDeconamineDecongestabsDecongex-3Deconhist LADemazinDemi-CofDenazeDexodrylDiabetic TussinDicelDicel ChewableDicel DMDicel DM ChewableDihistine DHDimetapp Long Acting Cough Plus ColdDimetapp Nighttime FluDitussin-HCDonatussin DM DropsDonatussin PediatricDristan Cold Multi SymptomDrizeDrotuss CPDrysecDuadacinDuotanDura-Tap/PDDura-Vent/ADura-Vent/DADuraTan PEDuradal HDDuradal HD PlusDuradrylDurafedDurahistDuralexDuratuss DADuraventDynahist-ER PediatricEchotuss-HCEd Chlor-TanEd ChlorPedEd-TLCEd-Tuss HCEfasin-HDEfidac-24 ChlorpheniramineEndagen-HDEndal CoughEndal-HD PlusEnditussin-HDEndotuss-HDEnplus-HDEntre-SEqui-NadeEx-TussExo-TussExratussExtendrylExtendryl DMFedahistGelpirin-CCFGenacolGenacol Maximum StrengthGenaminGenaphed PlusGencoldGenecof HCGenedelGenelanGenepatussGuiaphen HDH-C TussiveHYDROcodone CPHYDROcodone HDHexatussinHi-Tuss HCHista-VadrinHista-Vent DAHista-Vent PSEHistadeHistadecHistadecDMHistafed LAHistaletHistalet ForteHistatanHistexHistinex HCHistinex PVHistussin-HCHyTanHycomine CompoundHydro-PC IIHydro-Tussin DHCHydrocof-HCHydron CPHydron PCSHydrotuss HCHyphedHyphen-HDIodal HDIsophen-DFJayCof-HCKG-Dal HDKG-TussinKlerist-DKolephrinKolephrin DMKophaneKronofed-ALemohist PlusLiquicough HCM-End DMMapap ColdMaxi-Tuss HCMaxi-Tuss SAMaxichlorMaxichlor PEHMaxichlor PEH DMMaxichlor PSEMaxichlor PSE DMMaxiphen ADTMed-HistMed-Hist-HCMescolorMintexMintuss MSND ClearNalda-Relief PediatricNaldeconNaldelateNalex A 12Nalex-ANalgestNalgestic PediatricNalphen PediatricNalspanNasatussNasohistNasohist-DMNeotuss DNeotuss PlusNeutrahistNeutrahist PDXNohist-DMXNolamineNorel ADNorel CSNorel DMNorel SDNorel SRNotussNotuss PDNotuss-ACNovadyne DHNovafed ANovahistine DH Reformulated Oct 2008Novahistine ElixirNovasusNy-TannicNyquil Alcohol FreeNyquil Child Cough and ColdOmnihistOnset ForteOr-Phen-AdeOrdrineOrlentaOrnade SpansulesP-TannP-Tann DP-V-Tussin SyrupPancofPancof-PDPancold SPedia Relief Cough & ColdPediaCare Children's Multi-Symptom Cold Plus APAPPediaTan DPediacare Children's Flu Plus APAPPediacare Children's Plus Cough and Runny NosePediacare Cold and AllergyPediacare Cough and ColdPediacare Cough and Cold Reformulated Feb 2012PediacofPediatanPediatex HCPediox ChewablePediox-SPeditussPhena-HCPhena-PlusPhena-SPhenchlor S.H.A.Phendal-HDPhenylhistinePhenylhistine DHPoly Hist PDPoly-TussinPoly-Tussin DMProhist-8Prop-A-HistPropadeProtidProtuss TabletPseudo-PlusPseudocot-CPyrroxateQ-Hist LAQ-TussQ-V TussinQDallQdall ArQuad TannQuadrahist PediatricQual-TussinQual-Tussin PediatricQuartussQuartuss DMQuindal HDRU Hist ForteRalixRe-Drylex Jr.Redur-PCMRelCof CPMRelacon-HCRelahist-DMRelasin-HCRelcofRelcof PEReleraResaidRescon LiquidRescon MXRescon Reformulated Jul 2010Rescon Reformulated Jun 2008Rescon-DMRescon-MXRescon-MX Reformulated Feb 2009Respa ARRespa-A.R.M.Rhinacon ARhinogesicRhinolarRhinolar-EXRhinosyn-DMRinade-B.I.D.Rindal-HDRobitussin Cough & Cold Long-ActingRobitussin Honey Flu NighttimeRobitussin PMRobitussin Peak Cold Nighttime Nasal ReliefRobitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold LARobitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold NighttimeRolatussRolatuss-SRRondexRondex-DMRondex-DM DropsRu-TabRu-TussRutussRx-Act Sinus & Allergy PERy-TannRyna LiquidRyna-CRynatan PediatricRynatan-S PediatricRynatussRynezeS-T Forte 2Sanatos Cold Multi-Symptom NighttimeScot-Tussin Sugar Free DMSin-U-SpanSinapapSinapilsSinarestSine-Off Sinus and ColdSingletSinuconSinulinSinutab Ex-StrengthSonahistSonahist-DMStahistStahist Reformulated Apr 2013Statuss DMStonaStonarhiniSuclorSudafed PE Sinus & AllergySudafed Sinus/AllergySudal-12Sudatuss DMSudoGest Sinus & AllergyT- KoffT-Tanna-DMTL-Hist CMTabcinTanaHist-PDTanafedTanafed-DMTanahist-DTannate 12 STanni-Hist 12Tanni-Hist 12 RFTannic-12Tannic-12 STavist-DATeldrinTeldrin HBPTheraflu Cold & Sore ThroatTheraflu Flu & Sore ThroatTheraflu Flu and Cold Medicine PowderTheraflu Nightime Maximum StrengthTheraflu Severe Cold NighttimeTheraflu Sore Throat Maximum StrengthTheraflu, Flu, Cold, and CoughTime-HistTime-Hist QDTri-Gestan STri-NefrinTri-Phen-ChlorTri-Phen-MineTri-Vent DPCTriactin SyrupTriallTriaminicTriaminic AllergyTriaminic Cold & AllergyTriaminic Cold and AllergyTriaminic Cold and CoughTriaminic Cold and FeverTriaminic Cough & Runny Nose SoftchewsTriaminic Multi-Symptom FeverTriaminic Multi-SymptonTriaminic Softchew Cold and AllergyTriaminic Softchew Cold and CoughTriaminicol Multi Symptom Cough and ColdTriant-HCTricodene ForteTricodene NNTricodene Sugar FreeTrionateTriplex ADTrital DMTritanTruxadeTusana-DTuss-DSTuss-HCTuss-PDTussar DMTusscough DHCTussendTussi-12TussiCapsTussin-VTussionexTussive HCTussizone-12 RFTylenol Allergy Multi-SymptomTylenol Allergy SinusTylenol Children's Multi-Symptom Cold PlusTylenol Children's Plus ColdTylenol Children's Plus Cold Reformulated Mar 2013Tylenol Childrens Plus Cough & Runny NoseTylenol Cold Complete FormulaTylenol Cold Multi-Symptom NighttimeTylenol Cold and Flu PowderTylenol Cold-ChildTylenol Sinus Congestion NighttimeUni DeconUni Tuss HCUni-CofUni-Tricof HCUni-TrisUni-sed PlusVanex ForteVanex Forte-DVanex Forte-RVanex-HDVentussVicks 44 Cold, Flu and CoughVicks 44M PediatricVicks Formula 44 Custom Care Cough & Cold PMVicks Formula 44MVicks Pediatric Formula 44MVituzWal-Finate-DWal-Phed PE Sinus & AllergyWal-Phed Sinus & AllergyWal-finateWelltuss HCWest-DeconWest-Decon MXiraTussXiralYinchiao Fast Relief FluZ-Cof HCZ-Tuss ACZodryl ACZodryl DACZotex-12DZutripro
- Dexchlorpheniramine
- AllerDurC-Phed DPD TannCoryza-DMCorzall-PED-Hist DDuotan PDDuraTan ForteDurahist DP-HistPanatuss PEDPolaraminePolaramine ExpectorantPolaramine RepetabsProHistRe-DrylexRescon Jr Reformulated Apr 2012Rescon Jr Reformulated Feb 2010Rescon TabletsRescon-MX Reformulated Feb 2013Rescon-MX Reformulated Jan 2010ResperalRhinaHistRymed-DSuTanSuTan-DMTanDur DMTanafed DMXTanafed DPTannate DMP-DEXVanacofVanacof CDPZotex HC
- Pheniramine
- AK-Con-AAllersol-ADelhistine DDristanHistine-DKG-Hist DLiqui-Histine-DLiqui-Minic InfantMetahistine DMultihist DMultihistamine-DNaphcon AOcuhistOpcon-APoly-DPoly-Histine-DPoly-Histine-D SRQ-Tuss with HYDROcodoneQuadra-Hist DQuadra-Hist D PediatricQuadra-Hist-DRolatuss with HYDROcodoneRx-Act Flu & Sore ThroatS-T ForteScot Tussin OriginalScot-Tussin Multisymptom Cold and AllergyStatuss GreenTheraflu Cold & CoughTheraflu Cold & Sore ThroatTheraflu Flu & Sore ThroatTheraflu Nighttime Severe ColdTri-P Oral Infant DropsTriactinTriaminic InfantTriaminic-DH ExpectorantTussirexVetuss HC SyrupVisine-AWal-Flu Cold and Sore ThroatWal-Flu Flu and Sore Throat
Medication Names by Brand
- A-G Tussin
- A.R.M. Allergy Relief
- AccuHist DM Pediatric
- AccuHist DM Pediatric Drops
- AccuHist Drops
- AccuHist PDX
- AccuHist PDX Drops
- AccuHist Pediatric
- Actifed Cold & Allergy
- Acutuss DM Pediatric
- Advil Allergy & Congestion Relief
- Advil Allergy Sinus
- Aerohist
- Aerohist Plus
- Aerokid
- Ah-Chew
- Ahist
- Ala-Hist DM
- Ala-Hist IR
- Ala-Hist PE
- Alacol
- Alacol DM
- Alenaze-D
- Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough
- Allanhist
- Allanhist PDX
- AlleRx
- AlleRx PE PM
- AlleRx PM
- AlleRx PM Reformulated Apr 2008
- Allent
- Aller-Chlor
- Aller-Chlor Decongestant
- AllerDur
- AllerTan
- Allerest
- Allerest 12 Hour
- Allerest PE
- Allerlief
- Allerx DF AM
- Allerx Suspension
- Allres DS
- Altatapp
- Amdry-C
- Amilon
- Amtussin
- Anamine
- Andecon Pediatric Drops
- Annaplex DMX
- Atrohist Pediatric
- Atuss DM
- Atuss DR
- Atuss DS
- Atuss HD
- Atuss HS
- Atuss MS
- Atuss-12 DM
- B-Tuss
- Bactimicina Childrens Cough & Cold
- Balacall DM
- Balamine DM Reformulated Apr 2013
- Betatan
- Bidhist
- Bidhist-D
- Biohist-LA
- Blanex-A
- Brexin L.A.
- Brofed
- Brom Tann
- Brom Tann PE
- Bromaline
- Bromaline DM
- Bromanate
- Bromanate DC
- Bromanate DM
- Bromanate DX Cough
- Bromatol
- Bromax
- Bromaxefed DM RF Syrup
- Bromaxefed RF
- Bromdex D
- Bromfed
- Bromfed DM
- Bromhist NR
- Bromhist PDX
- Bromhist PDX Syrup
- Bromhist Pediatric Drops
- Bromhist-DM
- Bromhist-DM Drops
- Bromophen TD
- Bromph HD
- Bromphenex DM
- Bromplex DM
- Bromplex HD
- Bromtuss DM
- Bronkotuss
- BroveX
- BroveX CB
- BroveX CT
- BroveX HC
- BroveX PEB
- BroveX PEB DM
- BroveX PSB
- BroveX PSB DM
- Brovex D
- Brovex PB
- Brovex PBC
- Brovex PBD
- Brovex PD
- Brovex PSE
- Brovex PSE DM
- Brovex SR
- C Tan D
- C-Phed DM
- C-Phed DPD Tann
- C-Phed Tannate
- CP-Tannic
- Canges-HC
- Cardec DM
- Cardec DM Drops Reformulated Mar 2011
- Cardec Drops
- Centergy
- Centergy DM
- Centussin
- Cerose DM
- Chemdal HD
- Chemtussin HC
- Cheracol Plus
- Children's Nyquil
- Children's Nyquil Cold and Cough
- Chlo-Amine
- Chlor Trimeton Allergy Decongestant
- Chlor-Phen
- Chlor-Trimeton
- Chlor-Trimeton Allergy Decongestant SR
- ChlorDex GP
- ChlorTan
- ChlorTan D
- Chlorafed
- Chlorate
- Chlorgest HD
- Chlornade
- Chlorphedrin SR
- Chlorphen HD
- Chlortox
- Clorfed
- Co-Histine DH
- Codar AR
- Codehist DH
- Codeprex
- Codimal A
- Codimal-LA
- Cold-Gest
- Coldamine
- Coldex
- Coldtuss-DR
- Comhist
- Comtussin HC
- Conal
- Condrin
- Contac 12 Hour
- Cordron-HC
- Corfen-DM
- Coricidin HBP Cough and Cold
- Coryza-DM
- Cotab A
- Cotab AX
- Coughtuss
- Creomulsion Cough/Cold/Allergy
- Creomulsion Pediatric
- Curaler
- Cyndal HD
- Cytuss HC
- Cytuss-HC NR
- D-Hist D
- D.a. Ii
- Dallergy DM
- Dallergy Drops
- Dallergy PSE
- Dallergy-JR
- Dayquil Allergy
- De-Chlor DR
- De-Chlor HC
- De-Chlor HD
- Decohistine DH
- Deconamine
- Decongestabs
- Decongex-3
- Delhistine D
- Delhistine DM
- Demazin
- Demi-Cof
- Denaze
- Dexall
- Dexodryl
- Diabetic Tussin
- Dicel
- Dicel CD
- Dicel Chewable
- Dicel DM
- Dicel DM Chewable
- Dihistine DH
- Dimetane
- Dimetane DC
- Dimetane DX
- Dimetane Decongestant
- Dimetane Extentab
- Dimetapp Allergy Liquigel
- Dimetapp Children's Cold & Allergy
- Dimetapp Children's Cold and Allergy Reformulated Jan 2011
- Dimetapp Cold
- Dimetapp Cold and Cough Liquigel
- Dimetapp DM
- Dimetapp DM Cold & Cough
- Dimetapp Long Acting Cough Plus Cold
- Disobrom
- Disophrol
- Ditussin-HC
- Donatussin DM Drops
- Donatussin Pediatric
- Dristan
- Drixoral
- Drize
- Drocon-CS
- Drotuss CP
- Drysec
- Duotan
- Duotan PD
- Dura-Tap/PD
- Dura-Vent/A
- Dura-Vent/DA
- DuraTan DM
- DuraTan Forte
- DuraTan PE
- Duradal HD
- Duradal HD Plus
- Duradryl
- Durafed
- Durahist
- Durahist D
- Duralex
- Duratuss DA
- Duravent
- Duravent DPB
- Dynahist-ER Pediatric
- Echotuss-HC
- Ed Chlor-Tan
- Ed ChlorPed
- Ed-TLC
- Ed-Tuss HC
- Efasin-HD
- Efidac-24 Chlorpheniramine
- Endafed
- Endagen-HD
- Endal Cough
- Endal-HD Plus
- Enditussin-HD
- Endotuss-HD
- Enplus-HD
- Entre-S
- Equi-Nade
- Exo-Tuss
- Extendryl
- Extendryl DM
- Fedahist
- FluTuss HC
- Genamin
- Genaphed Plus
- Gencold
- Genecof HC
- Genedel
- Genelan
- Genepatuss
- Guiaphen HD
- H-C Tussive
- H-C Tussive-NR
- HYDROcodone CP
- HYDROcodone HD
- Hexatussin
- Hi-Tuss HC
- Hista-Vadrin
- Hista-Vent DA
- Hista-Vent PSE
- Histade
- Histadec
- HistadecDM
- Histafed LA
- Histalet
- Histalet Forte
- Histatan
- Histex
- Histex SR
- Histine-D
- Histinex DM
- Histinex HC
- Histinex PV
- Histussin-HC
- HyTan
- Hydro-PC II
- Hydrocof-HC
- Hydron CP
- Hydron PCS
- Hydrotuss HC
- Hyphed
- Hyphen-HD
- Iodal HD
- Isophen-DF
- J-Cof DHC
- JayCof-HC
- KG-Dal HD
- KG-Hist D
- KG-Tussin
- Klerist-D
- Kophane
- Kronofed-A
- Lemohist Plus
- Liqui-Histine-D
- Liqui-Minic Infant
- Liquicough HC
- Liquiphed DM
- Lodrane
- Lodrane D
- M-End DM
- M-End DMX
- M-End Max D
- M-End PE
- M-End WC
- M-end
- Mar-cof BP
- Maxi-Tuss HC
- Maxi-Tuss SA
- Maxichlor
- Maxichlor PEH
- Maxichlor PEH DM
- Maxichlor PSE
- Maxichlor PSE DM
- Maxiphen ADT
- Med-Hist
- Med-Hist-HC
- Mescolor
- Metahistine D
- Mintex
- Mintuss MS
- Multihist D
- Multihistamine-D
- Myphetane DC
- Myphetane DX
- Myphetapp
- ND Clear
- Nalda-Relief Pediatric
- Naldecon
- Naldelate
- Nalex A 12
- Nalex AC
- Nalex-A
- Nalgest
- Nalgestic Pediatric
- Nalphen Pediatric
- Nalspan
- Nasahist B
- Nasatuss
- Nasohist
- Nasohist-DM
- Neo DM
- Neotuss D
- Neotuss Plus
- Neutrahist
- Neutrahist PDX
- Nohist-DMX
- Nolamine
- Norel CS
- Norel DM
- Norel SD
- Notuss
- Notuss PD
- Notuss-AC
- Novadyne DH
- Novafed A
- Novahistine Elixir
- Novasus
- Ny-Tannic
- Nyquil Child Cough and Cold
- Omnihist
- Or-Phen-Ade
- Ordrine
- Orlenta
- Ornade Spansules
- P-Hist
- P-Tann
- P-Tann D
- P-V-Tussin Syrup
- Panatuss DXP
- Panatuss DXP Pediatric
- Panatuss DXP Pediatric Reformulated Jun 2012
- Pedia Relief Cough & Cold
- PediaTan D
- Pediacare Cold and Allergy
- Pediacare Cough and Cold
- Pediacare Cough and Cold Reformulated Feb 2012
- Pediacof
- Pediatan
- Pediatex HC
- Pediox Chewable
- Pediox-S
- Pedituss
- Pharmadrine
- Phena-HC
- Phena-Plus
- Phena-S
- Phendal-HD
- Phenylhistine
- Phenylhistine DH
- Pluratuss
- Polaramine
- Polaramine Expectorant
- Polaramine Repetabs
- Poly Hist PD
- Poly Histine DM
- Poly Tan
- Poly-D
- Poly-Histine CS
- Poly-Histine-D
- Poly-Histine-D SR
- Poly-Tussin
- Poly-Tussin AC
- Poly-Tussin DHC
- Poly-Tussin DM
- Presgen
- ProHist
- ProHist DM
- Prohist-8
- Prop-A-Hist
- Propade
- Pseudo-Plus
- Pseudocot-C
- Pulmari
- Q-Hist LA
- Q-V Tussin
- QDall
- Qdall Ar
- Quadra-Hist D
- Quadra-Hist D Pediatric
- Quadra-Hist-D
- Quadrahist Pediatric
- Qual-Tussin
- Qual-Tussin Pediatric
- Quartuss
- Quartuss DM
- Quindal HD
- RU Hist Forte
- Ralix
- Re-Drylex
- Re-Drylex Jr.
- Redur-PCM
- RelCof CPM
- Relacon-HC
- Relahist-DM
- Relasin-HC
- Relcof
- Relcof PE
- Relera
- Resaid
- Rescon Jr Reformulated Apr 2012
- Rescon Jr Reformulated Feb 2010
- Rescon Liquid
- Rescon MX
- Rescon Reformulated Jul 2010
- Rescon Reformulated Jun 2008
- Rescon Tablets
- Rescon-DM
- Rescon-MX
- Rescon-MX Reformulated Feb 2009
- Rescon-MX Reformulated Feb 2013
- Rescon-MX Reformulated Jan 2010
- Respa AR
- Respa-BR
- Respahist
- Respahist II
- Resperal
- Resperal-DM Drops
- RhinaHist
- Rhinabid
- Rhinabid PD
- Rhinacon A
- Rhinolar
- Rhinolar-EX
- Rhinosyn-DM
- Rinade-B.I.D.
- Rindal-HD
- Robitussin Allergy & Cough
- Robitussin Cough & Cold Long-Acting
- Robitussin PM
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold LA
- Robitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold Nighttime
- Rolatuss
- Rompe Pecho-SF
- Rondec
- Rondex
- Rondex-DM
- Rondex-DM Drops
- Ru-Tuss
- Rx-Act Children's Cold and Allergy
- Rx-Act Sinus & Allergy PE
- Ry-Tann
- Rymed-D
- Ryna Liquid
- Ryna-C
- Rynatan Pediatric
- Rynatan-S Pediatric
- Rynex-DM
- Ryneze
- S-T Forte 2
- Scot Tussin Original
- Scot-Tussin Sugar Free DM
- Seradex
- Seradex-LA
- Siltane
- Sin-U-Span
- Sinucon
- Sinuhist
- Sonahist
- Sonahist-DM
- Statuss DM
- Stonarhini
- SuTan
- SuTan-DM
- Suclor
- Sudafed PE Sinus & Allergy
- Sudafed Sinus/Allergy
- Sudal-12
- Sudatuss DM
- SudoGest Sinus & Allergy
- SymTan A
- T- Koff
- T-Tanna-DM
- TL-Hist CD
- TL-Hist CM
- TL-Hist DM
- TanDur DM
- TanaHist-PD
- Tanabid SR
- Tanafed
- Tanafed DMX
- Tanafed DP
- Tanafed-DM
- Tanahist-D
- Tannate DMP-DEX
- Tanni-Hist 12
- Tavist-DA
- Teldrin
- Teldrin HBP
- Time-Hist
- Time-Hist QD
- Touro A&H
- Touro Allergy
- Trexbrom
- Trexbrom Reformulated Jun 2011
- Tri-Gestan S
- Tri-Nefrin
- Tri-P Oral Infant Drops
- Tri-Phen-Chlor
- Tri-Phen-Mine
- Tri-Vent DPC
- Triactin
- Triactin Syrup
- Triall
- Triaminic
- Triaminic Allergy
- Triaminic Cold & Allergy
- Triaminic Cold and Allergy
- Triaminic Cold and Cough
- Triaminic Cough & Runny Nose Softchews
- Triaminic Infant
- Triaminic Multi-Sympton
- Triaminic Softchew Cold and Allergy
- Triaminic Softchew Cold and Cough
- Triaminicol Multi Symptom Cough and Cold
- Triant-HC
- Tricodene Forte
- Tricodene NN
- Tricodene Sugar Free
- Triplex AD
- Trital DM
- Tritan
- Truxade
- Tusana-D
- Tusdec-DM
- Tusnel
- Tuss-DS
- Tuss-HC
- Tuss-PD
- Tussall
- Tussall-ER
- Tussar DM
- Tussend
- Tussi Pres B Reformulated Aug 2011
- TussiCaps
- Tussin-V
- Tussionex
- Tussive HC
- Ultrabrom
- Ultrabrom PD
- Uni Decon
- Uni Hist PDX
- Uni Tuss HC
- Uni-Hist DM Pediatric Drops
- Uni-Hist PDX Drops
- Uni-Tricof HC
- Uni-Tris
- Uni-sed Plus
- V-Cof
- VaZol D
- Vanacof
- Vanex Forte
- Vanex Forte-D
- Vanex Forte-R
- Vanex-HD
- Vazobid-PD
- Vazol
- Vazotab
- Vazotan
- Vazotuss HC
- Ventuss
- Vicks 44M Pediatric
- Vicks Pediatric Formula 44M
- Vituz
- Wal-Finate-D
- Wal-Phed PE Sinus & Allergy
- Wal-Phed Sinus & Allergy
- Wal-Tap Children's Cold & Allergy
- Wal-Tap DM
- Wal-finate
- Welltuss HC
- West-Decon
- West-Decon M
- Xiral
- Y-Cof DM
- Z-Cof HC
- Z-Tuss AC
- Zodryl AC
- Zodryl DAC
- Zotex HC
- Zotex PE
- Zotex-12D
- Zutripro