Tips for Adults with ADHD

Tidy Your Space

Organization can be a huge challenge for those with ADHD. Inattention and distractibility may leave you feeling overwhelmed with organizing your living space, but learning how to break tasks down into manageable pieces can help. Start by making lists, using a daily planner or an organizational app to keep track of what you need to do. Once you’ve got a plan, you can begin to work on decluttering your house or apartment. An easy way to tidy your space is to figure out what you need on a daily basis, then keep only those items out or within easy access and put all other items away in storage bins. It may also help to designate specific places for important items like bills and keys, so that you don’t misplace or forget them. And don’t be afraid to throw away any items you don’t need — you likely won’t miss them and your space will be that much cleaner!

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Review Date: 
July 8, 2015

Last Updated:
July 8, 2015