Health News
Protection At What Cost?
According to new research from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, about a quarter of African-Americans have a gene that helps protect them against heart disease.
A Common Cause?
Kidney stones and clogged arteries may be related by a common cause. A study shows that people who have had kidney stones are more likely to develop clogged arteries.
Costs of Cardiovascular Disease Enough to Make Your Heart Race
Costs associated with treating heart disease and heart conditions increased more than 200 percent in Canada from 1996 to 2006, and are expected to triple in the U.S. by 2030.
Tomatoes Just Got Tastier
Tomatoes contain a nutrient that may prevent onset of vascular diseases, according to new research from Kyoto University.
Eight Apples a Day Keep the Cardiologist Away
Individuals who eat more fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of mortality from ischemic heart disease, the most prevalent form of heart disease, according to new research.
AHA to D.C.: Take It to Heart
The American Heart Association (AHA) has published a statement outlining the important role of advocacy in maintaing heart health during times of economic hardship.
An Arm and a Leg and a Heart
According to a new study, an artery in the arm is no more efficient or related to better outcomes than a leg vein for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients.
Obesity Costs Take the Cake
Are you at your optimum weight? If not, don't fret. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you can do to make 2011 your Healthy Weight Year.
Worked Up About Blood Work
A blood test measuring the gamma-prime fibrinogen (a component of the blood's clotting mechanism) could help identify people at risk of heart attack, according a study from the Oregon Health & Science University.
Can Germs Lead to a Heart Attack?
A bacteria might play a vital role in atherosclerosis -- or hardening of the arteries – the number one killer in the U.S.