Health News

Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?
Diabetes Rx and Breast Cancer Survival
The diabetes drug metformin has been something of a darling in the cancer world of late. Previous research has shown that it may help prevent or beat cancer. But a new study has come along that creates a question mark.
Does Breast Cancer Increase Diabetes Risks?
Scientists have found that diabetes and cancer like to interact. A new study suggests women who’ve had breast cancer and their doctors need to be aware that developing diabetes is a real risk.
Hormone Tied to Three Deadly Diseases
Your body is linked together through a complex system we still know little about. As such, diseases are related in ways still unknown. Now, researchers have pinpointed a hormone linked to three deadly diseases.
Exercise Away Diabetic Breast Cancer
Some studies have linked diabetes to an increased risk of breast cancer. It is also known that exercise is key to preventing and managing diabetes. So, can exercise also lower the risk of breast cancer in diabetic women?
Insulin Type May Not Boost Cancer Risk
Some patients with type 2 diabetes need an extra boost of insulin from the outside to get their blood sugar under control. Researchers wanted to see if one insulin treatment option carries a risk of cancer.
Walking Away From Breast Cancer
A drug used to treat diabetes to might work on different kinds of cancer. One day, that may include breast cancer.
Diabetes Drug Slows Breast Cancer
What if you could take a drug that costs less than $10 a month to prevent or treat breast cancer? Not a bad deal. Just such a scenario may not be too far off.
When Fighting One Disease Causes Another
More and more research is showing a link between breast cancer and diabetes. Yet, only a handful of studies have looked at the relationship between cancer drugs and the risk of diabetes.
Older Women Up Cancer Ante by Smoking
The younger a smoker is that decides to quit, obviously the better for their health. Women in their golden years can receive immediate benefits from quitting.