Health News For Kid's Personality
It's no secret that children all have very different personalities, even siblings raised in the same household. Most parents have experienced that what works with one kid, doesn't work with another.
Special Needs Kids Bullied & Isolated
Kids with special needs are struggling in the classroom, far more than their peers. Kids with special needs feel more isolated, are the victims of bullying at far greater rates, and are less motivated to do well academically.
Troubled Breathing may Predict ADHD
Attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a lot of genetic cousins, ranging from autism to diarrhea. Researchers have recently added childhood asthma to the list.
Quality of Life Suffers for ADHD Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can negatively impact so many areas of a child's life - and that of his or her family. And the more severe the disorder, the more the quality of life suffers.
Premature Babies at Risk for Psychiatric Disorders
Babies who are born prematurely are at higher risk for many medical problems, including brain injuries. And when infants are born with brain injuries, it puts them at higher risk for developing psychiatric disorders in adolescence.
New Drug Could Help Children with Autism
Children and young adults with autism often have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. So far, there have been no medications to treat it.
The Pain of Deployment
The stress of having a parent deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan can wear on any child. Long-term deployment, though, may have a major impact on children, according to a recent study.
Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
Numbing Quality in Violent Video Games
Science fiction novels often portray a society where people have become numb to the violence around them. War torn countries' citizens also accept tanks filling their streets and impoverished children suffering. The same type numbness occurs in children when playing violent video games.
Driving Under the Influence of Depression
Teens are not known as the safest drivers on the road. Far from it. Add anxiety or depression, and their driving becomes even riskier. A new study shows that young drivers who experience anxiety and depression are at risk of being risky drivers.