Health News

Photo Finish First Year For Avastin and Lucentis
A two year study has pitted Avastin and Lucentis against each other. After the first year, the results are a photo finish.  Lucentis is 40 times more expensive than Avastin but the study finds no measurable increased benefit from prescribing Lucentis.
Game-changing Advance in Stem Cell Science
Stem cell research holds the promise of changing the entire field of medicine. But research has been hampered because scientists haven't found a way to produce enough cells that can be studied safely.
Eye Deal in Stem Cells
Transforming cells to serve another purpose is inching toward reality. Scientists are now able to turn adult stem cells into eye cells that have been corrupted during age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Eye Say Let the Sun Shine!
Noel Coward's famous command  "Mad dogs and Englishmen! Go out in the midday sun!", is a good command for women's eye health as well.  In a recent research study, women under 75 with high levels of vitamin D were much less likely to develop early age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in adults.
A Fatty Fish Called Wanda Has Acids For You
The human body can do many wonderful things, but producing Omega-3 fatty acids on its own is just not one of them.
Whoa Nelly!
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans under the age of 65. A new study shows there are now two therapies that may slow down the progression of this sight robbing disease.
The Eyes Have It
Cataract surgery awaits 33 percent of the America’s population. A new surgical tool from Catalys looks to make the process a lot more streamlined.  
Eye Disease Linked to Stroke
A disease that can cause vision loss in people of all ages also increases some patients' risk of stroke.
Seeing the World with New Eyes
An inexpensive drug has been shown to benefit premature infants born with retinopathy (the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels in the retinas, which can lead to scarring and retinal detachment).
Researchers Clearly C Vitamins' Role in Cataracts
A recent study from Harvard Medical School finds that vitamins C and E appear to do little to influence the development or outcome of age-related cataracts.