Health News
A Little Boost from Formula
Breast milk may be the best food we have to offer newborns, but that does not mean formula offers no value. In fact, formula use may help breastfeeding efforts in some situations.
Getting Mama's Milk in the NICU
Babies born early or with health conditions often require advanced care in the NICU. Yet it's still best if these babies can receive human milk while getting this specialized care.
More Lead Means Lagging Reading Scores
Lead is a well-known environmental risk for children. Too much exposure to lead can have long-term effects on a child's brain. And it may not take much lead to have an effect.
Hard Lives Take a Toll on Kids' Bodies
It's no surprise that being abused is linked to various health concerns in children. Other forms of hardship, though, might also influence a child's health.
A Recess for the Eyes
A lot of kids look forward to recess during school. While spending more time in the great outdoors can allow kids to release that extra energy and give their brains a break, it might also help keep their vision strong and healthy.
Kids' Disability Rates Changing
More mental health and developmental disorders are being identified in children today with better diagnosis. This trend may partly explain the increase in rates of these disabilities.
The Goldilocks Dose of D for Preemies
Preemies are at higher risk for various health problems, depending on how early they are born. One possible health risk is insufficient vitamin D levels.
One Ingredient in Making a Bully
No parents want to see their child bullied or become a bully at school. But parents may play one small part in the likelihood that their child will end up a victim or a bully.
Michigan Mom Writes Book on Spina Bifida to Help Others with Disorder
Laurel Greshel felt she had a pretty normal pregnancy in 1983 when she and her husband Ted, were anxiously awaiting the birth of their firstborn daughter, Amanda.
Arriving On Time Better Than Too Early
Medicine has advanced considerably in the care of babies born extremely early. However, these babies are still at high risk for long-term problems, and every extra week counts.