Health News
Mom's Double Whammy: Migraines and Colic
What's worse than a decapitating migraine for a new mom? The nonstop crying of her colicky newborn every night. Turns out the two might be linked.
Brains with Autism Show Changes Early
Most children aren't diagnosed with autism until they are 1 or 2 years old, but new research reveals brain differences in babies as young as 6 months old who later developed autism.
Depressed Kids are More Bullied
Many people assume that when kids are bullied, it leads to depression. While that might be true, it might be more the other way around.
Puzzles Boost Math Related Skills
When children play with puzzles between the ages of two and four, they develop better spatial skills later in life and are better able to translate shapes.
Teen Girls can Safely Lose Weight
There is hope for the nearly one-third of overweight or obese teenage girls in the U.S. - a properly focused intervention program can help them lose weight and live healthier.
Expectant Moms: Avoid the Heavy Metal
If you're expecting, it's worth investing in a lead inspection of your home. A recent study revealed that inspections before a baby's birth reduce the likelihood they'll get lead poisoning.
Breasts Battle Childhood Obesity
Children born to women with diabetes are more likely to be obese, but one way moms can reduce this risk is to breastfeed their babies. And the pattern is true for non-diabetics too.
Early Delivery Decisions Should be 'Mom-focused'
Not all women’s bodies act the same before early labor. One small study reports that race as well as the presence of specific bacteria are two factors that play a role in preterm delivery.
Multiple Homes Produce Health Risks
We all know that stability is important for healthy development in childhood. Moving frequently can be a factor that disrupts children's social stability.
Non-Invasive Fetal Test Detects Down Syndrome
Many pregnant mothers are concerned about fetal tests to detect serious conditions in the baby. They fear that such tests could endanger the baby’s health.