Health News
Children Exposed to Chemotherapy Develop Normally
Pregnant women undergoing cancer therapy worry that the treatment will hurt their baby's health. But rest assured, chemotherapy does not put a growing baby at risk of health problems, reports a new study.
Good Child Care Now, Better Payoff Later
Not only does high-quality childcare prepare children for school, it also appears to increase mother's involvement with their children.
Surgery Before Birth Improves Outcomes
Caring for a child with spina bifida can be costly from emotional, psychological and financial perspectives. Having surgery before birth relieves at least one of these.
Like Brother, Like Sister
Women who give birth early to their first child can expect their second child to be smaller than average at birth - even if the next child arrives on time.
Good Night, Sleep Tight, Breathe Right
The standard therapy for obstructive sleep apnea isn't just for adults: children as young as 7 years old can reap significant benefits even from inconsistent use of PAP.
Hispanic Women at Risk of Early Delivery
Pregnant women should watch for signs of early labor. And if you’re Hispanic, you should take extra care: A new study says that Hispanic-Americans are at greater risk of preterm delivery.
Breast is Best - But So is Planning
Even for mothers who planned to breastfeed longer, the ones who planned to get pregnant had an easier time with nursing than those whose babies were surprises.
All-Day Buffet in Elementary Schools?
Four times as many obese children are in the U.S. today as there were in the 1970s - but the availability of snacks at school besides school meals shows little signs of decreasing.
Let Your Baby Lead the Way
Parents who opt to let their babies feed themselves with finger foods during baby-led weaning - rather than spoon-feeding them pureed food - may end up with healthier kids.
Spare the Rod for Healthy Development
A review of twenty years worth of research reveals that physically punishing kids probably does more harm than good and appears to increase kids' aggression.