Health News

Not So Savory News for Salt Lovers
Curbing salt intake in teens could reduce the number of young adults with high blood pressure, while imposing statutory limits of salt content in foods appears most effective way to cut intake.
Not Enough Talking
Race is a factor when it comes to the amount of weight-related counseling that obese patients receive, according to a recent study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Tomatoes Just Got Tastier
Tomatoes contain a nutrient that may prevent onset of vascular diseases, according to new research from Kyoto University.
Weighing In on Body Image
Too fat. Too skinny. Apple-shaped. Pear-shaped. Women come in all shapes and sizes, and it's a subjective guessing game as to which standard of beauty will appeal to whom.
Add This to the List of Blueberry Benefits
Bioactive compounds in blueberries known as anthocyanins may offer protection against hypertension, according to a new study.
Don't Drink, Drink, Drink!
A recent editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal  states that binge drinking is an excessively common practice in the United States.
Living Longer, but Not Healthier
Researchers have found an increase over the past 10 years in hypertension among older Mexican-Americans living in the Southwest region of the United States.
Obesity Costs Take the Cake
Are you at your optimum weight? If not, don't fret. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you can do to make 2011 your Healthy Weight Year.