Health News

All Eyes on Surgery for Acid Reflux
Some obese patients with acid reflux still feel heartburn and nausea after seeking surgery to help. Thinking about going under the knife can be scary to begin with, and surgical procedures need to be done right.
Going Gluten-Free
In recent years, the idea of a gluten-free diet has grown in popularity. As more people discuss avoiding gluten, celiac disease (which is somewhat like a severe gluten allergy) is becoming the subject of more and more research. What are the effects of this disease and just how common is it? Celiac Simply Put Celiac disease is an immune disorder triggered by gluten, a protein present in foods like wheat, rye and barley. According to an article written by Jocelyn Silvester , MD and Donald Duerksen , MD, and published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal ( CMAJ ), celia...
High-Fiber Diets Not Good for the Gut?
While a high-fiber diet may ease constipation, it might not be a cure for a common colon condition called diverticulosis. In fact, having more bowel movements could worsen the problem.
Obesity and Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is on the rise as our waistlines expand. What's going on in our stomachs, and is there anything we can do about it?
With IBS, What You Eat Matters
When you talk about irritable bowel syndrome, diet has a way of entering the conversation. It's been shown that certain foods trigger uncomfortable symptoms – but which ones?
Red Bull & Monster Terrorize Teeth
Expecting to see lots of Gatorade at your Memorial Day cookout? Or planning to chug a few Red Bulls to make the long drive to visit family? Your teeth may suffer for both.
Gluten and Schizophrenia Linked
An inability to eat foods with gluten, like bread and rice, is frustrating enough for many people. But the condition may have further implications for women planning to have children.
Lactose Intolerance is a Global Problem
Adding milk to your coffee may seem normal, but it's not. Most adults globally cannot tolerate milk and its main sugar, lactose.
Fattening up Liver Cancer Risks
Childhood obesity is now a global epidemic, and with it comes increased disease risks both in children and adults. Having an abundant body as a child is now linked even to cancer.
The Celiac Epidemic
A decade ago few people had even heard of Celiac Disease. Now, there's dedicated gluten-free aisles at the grocery store and clearly-labeled menu items at some restaurants. So how did this happen?