Health News

Surgery May Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Weight loss surgery has been shown to be an excellent treatment for obese people with diabetes. Since diabetes can raise the risk of heart disease, it is important to know the heart risks of weight loss surgery.
Brittle Bones or Increased Heart Risk?
Calcium supplements, often taken to maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis, appear to be linked to an increased risk of heart attack, a large study revealed.
Changing the Course of Heart Disease
Awareness has increased for coronary heart disease. Individuals more easily recognize the symptoms and know the importance of managing factors such as high cholesterol and hypertension.
American Heart Health Needs Improving
The number of strokes experienced by Americans is declining, but substantial heart health improvements are still needed as larger, higher calorie meals become more popular and obesity continues to rise.
Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
Disease Fighting Tangerines
Tangerines are not just deliciously sweet fruits, they are also good for you. New research shows that tangerines can help protect against obesity and other health problems.
Fast-Food Nation
Fast food -- which is tremendously high in fat and salt content -- remains a favorite food for a number of patients who have had a heart attack.
Burden of Obesity Gets Heftier
Obesity has been shown to contribute to fatal coronary artery disease, regardless of other risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Sodium Slayers Face Less Stroke Risk
High salt intake, regardless of a diagnosis of hypertension , has been shown to increase risk of ischemic (blood clot) stroke, according to a new study.
Learning from History
In recognition of Black History Month we're taking a look at diseases for which African-Americans are at higher risk -- and what to do about them.